View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
06-24-2014, 06:05 AM
Monday's action remained on the good side despite our good friends popping up, yes I'm talking mayflies. My guests, Ed and Renee and I spent most all of our morning trip working 10 foot depths with lots of submerged wood with Reeves weedless jigs tipped with fatheads. Most of our stops produced fish, some keepers and some throwbacks, but for the most part the majority were nice ones. We did try some bays with coontail but came up with several small pike and rockbass. Worked some areas a little different yesterday as light winds allowed us to do slow drifts and vertical jig keeping our bait a foot off the bottom, this worked very well on both walleye and several big jumbo perch. Saw many mayflies popping up yesterday, but they didn't put the damper on the fishing, should be many more out there today, will be back out with my bride today to catch our dinner of TFF eyes, will keep you posted on results along with the mayfly situation.

Don's Guide Service