View Full Version : Finally, some fishing

07-14-2014, 06:35 AM
Well, I finally made it up for only my second weekend of the season. Here's one of three muskies I boated on Saturday, all of them similarly sized. I caught one in the morning in Townline, then went out after lunch and saw two fish, including a very big one that I worked on for almost two hours. She came up three times on a bucktail and two different surface lures, but never opened her mouth wide enough to grab a hook. The other fish was smaller, and swiped at two different bucktails without a hookup. In the evening, I fished two different bars in Baraboo, landing two fish including this one, losing a third and I felt a quick hit from a fourth. Quite a day, and it helped make up for the lack of time I've had to get up there so far this season. Also found some interesting light from the full moon in the other shot.



07-14-2014, 02:33 PM
Nice fish Blue...Spectacular photograph. Will be up this coming Saturday at Donner's. We're having those great hot beef sandwiches again. Stop in for one if you're around.

07-14-2014, 07:48 PM
Unfortunately, George, I will be home photographing one of your other loves - airplanes. But hopefully I'll have some cool shots to show you.

07-15-2014, 08:49 AM
Can't wait to see the pics. Guess I'll just hafta eat your hot beef for you! :rolleyes: