View Full Version : July 14th fishing report

Ty Sennett
07-15-2014, 07:32 AM
Yesterday was a cold miserable day with rain and wind off and on all day. The weather made for some tough fishing in the morning as we didn't see anything for the morning session. In the evening I had Herald Treeland and a couple resort guests out for the night and we didn't see much besides a follow on a Vexer until right at dark. Herald had a fish turn off at the boat and then had another try to eat the same globe. Herald was a little quick on the draw and didn't get that one. Gene was in the front of the boat and had one swing at his Pacemaker and then had another fly out of the water right at the boat but it didn't grab the bait. The one that flew out of the water was a good fish. Maybe we'll get them this morning. It's still pretty cold out so who knows.