View Full Version : 7-20 Ford River Can

07-21-2014, 06:40 PM
Fished Ford River Can again Sunday, made my way to Minneapolis Shoals area but nothing. We had one rod pop but who knows. Marked schools of bait fish and some bigger fish but no action. Changed up depth, speed and presentation to no avail. I heard radio traffic of a few fish were caught but I suspect it was on the lake side of the islands. Talked to another fisherman and he reported a few fish caught near Whaleback Shoal near Cedar River.

Esky Moe
07-31-2014, 10:59 AM
Fished pretty hard out there last Sunday also with same results as you've shared. Lotsa marks but nothing to show for it.
Any suggestions on how to keep dispy's from getting twisted up?

Fished Ford River Can again Sunday, made my way to Minneapolis Shoals area but nothing. We had one rod pop but who knows. Marked schools of bait fish and some bigger fish but no action. Changed up depth, speed and presentation to no avail. I heard radio traffic of a few fish were caught but I suspect it was on the lake side of the islands. Talked to another fisherman and he reported a few fish caught near Whaleback Shoal near Cedar River.

08-04-2014, 03:08 PM
Don't let the dipsy out so fast, keep tension on it and let it dig. They will flip if they go out too fast/without tension.

Esky Moe
08-06-2014, 02:43 PM
Thanks DF. It must have to be really slow which is really hard when your graph is lighting up with fish! I'm trying again this weekend and will let you know how it goes.
Again, thanks.