View Full Version : Weather And Timing

Esky Moe
09-15-2014, 05:51 AM
So a friend is coming up the weekend of September 27th to try and fish for walleye. Would the recommendation of those more experienced be to fish the drop-offs (28-32 is what I've been told)? I don't have leadcore but would be using 3 ways with cranks during the daylight hours and cranks in shallow 5-8 at night.
With the weather we've been having will these approaches be appropriate or is it too soon to fish the drop-offs etc?
Also would it be out of the question to try for salmon? All I have are dipsy's and spoons.
As always thank you for any help!!!

The Bait Shop Guy
09-20-2014, 12:39 PM
Sorry guys, but due to changes on this site, I will no longer be posting fishing reports and info on Baysdenoc.com.

You can still follow my reports at upangler.com , lake-link.com , michigan-sportsman.com , 906outdoors.com , and Bay View Bait and Tackle's facebook page.

See you on the water.