View Full Version : This Weekend

Red Childress
10-03-2014, 06:34 AM
Huge weather change coming for the weekend and very anxious to see how the fish respond.

Good Luck to those wetting a line or three!

10-03-2014, 05:34 PM
I snuck out for a few hours around mid-day. Lots of activity from all species, but only one Muskie Follow.

I'm thinking this will really kick-start the Fall Smallie bite. At least I hope so.

Red Childress
10-06-2014, 06:30 AM
The weather change did not do much for my boat at all (regarding musky fishing). Did anyone notice a positive reaction to that mega-front over the weekend??

10-06-2014, 12:39 PM
I fished yesterday from 1-7. I fished for smallies thinking the cold front would trigger a fall feeding while putting the muskies off. I think the 11 degree drop in water temperature overnight was too much though. 6 hours of fishing we only boated 14 bass and 1 trout. I did have a muskie take a swipe at a 3.5" tube though :). Go figure.