View Full Version : October 21st -23rd fishing report

Ty Sennett
10-23-2014, 10:02 PM
On the 21st I had John and Josh out for a full day and we caught two in the morning and lost one right away after lunch. The one we lost was pretty cool. It was a fat low forty inch fish that hit a sucker. When we got it to the boat it shook the hooks and there was another the same size swimming right there with it that looked to be the same size. I don't remember the last time I saw that while sucker fishing. Pretty darn cool. The last two days I had Jim and Max out and it was a little slower for us. We did get a forty inch fish today. Max caught that one. max also did something I haven't seen too often. He was able to get a backlash while vertical jigging. You don't see that every day. Made me laugh anyhow. There have been a few good ones caught lately. Lots of boats out today. Must be the last hoorah for everyone.

Good luck,