View Full Version : Photo contest 1-3 thru 1-11

The Bait Shop Guy
01-11-2015, 08:53 PM
Kind of disappointed with the first week of the photo contest,but certainly not with the quality of the first two fish entered!

Josh led off with a beautiful 43 inch pike that he released.

Joe sent a picture of a monster 31 inch, 11 pound walleye that he kept for the wall.

Both fish were caught "near Gladstone."

The Bait Shop Guy
01-11-2015, 09:01 PM
Using the scientific method of writing the names on separate pieces of paper, then asking Diane to "pick a hand," it was determined that Joes walleye was our first winner. He stated in his email that if he won, to donate the prize to "a little kid with any sort of fish."

Congrats, Joe!