View Full Version : Lake Antoine Dig It & Jig It 1/31

IM MuskyTime
01-27-2015, 02:42 PM
Hello Everyone,

Just a friendly reminder about the upcoming Dig It & Jig It tournament this weekend at Lake Antoine in Iron Mountain. New format this year allows you to fish anywhere on the lake (not limited to pre-drilled holes in one area) and does not restrict shelter use or bait size. A new twist on the format from the past over here---$25 entry get you as many legal lines as you want to put in the water (up to 3) and all state fishing regs apply. We will have a kids area as well open from 12-3 with equipment and snacks provided near the boat launch.

Thousands of dollars in cash prizes for four categories: Pike, walleye, perch & "other" category for any other legal species. Each category pays $300 1st place, $200 2nd place and $100 3rd place---length determining the winners. Door prize given away randomly to any adult angler in the event will be a new Jiffy auger. Registration is at Lake Antoine Park at the boat launch and fishing hours run 7-3. Hoping for a great turnout...come over, have some fun and bring a friend! Support your local bait shops and help us raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters & Medical Care Access.

Registration available online and those who get in before the day of the tournament are eligible for an "early bird" door prize of a portable shelter: http://bbbsbayarea.org/jig-it-fishing.html

Tried to attach the poster and couldn't get it to go. I'll ask Chris to attach for us.

The Bait Shop Guy
01-27-2015, 07:59 PM
Couldn't figure out how to post it, either. Looks like you covered all the bases, though. Sounds like it'll be a good time.

IM MuskyTime
02-02-2015, 08:28 AM
Thanks to everyone who came to Iron Mountain on Saturday and to Chris for allowing me to put up this thread. Had a great turnout and lots of really nice fish caught with the new event format. Largest pike was a 36.5" tank, largest perch was just under 13", and several bluegills over 10" fell shy of the crappie that won the "other" category. Two great weekends of fishing in Delta and Dickinson counties that supported a great cause. Hope to see you all next year.