View Full Version : Camping question

05-12-2015, 11:57 AM
First time TFF guy here, looking to go late June for camping. Have camped Sylvania so our group (5 guys) is fine with rustic sites, but an F site would be preferred. We would like to be mostly away from boat traffic and not too close to other sites. We also want to be out of site of cabins, resorts, roads and powerlines (at least while at the campsite). Good smallmouth fishing somewhat nearby would be nice, too.

Has anyone tried F17, R28, F2 or F3. Also curious about R16 or F11.

Also, is it navigable all the way up to the rapids where the Turtle spills in from Lake of the Falls? Wondered if you can hit smallmouth in the pool below those rapids in the summer.

Ruff Fish
05-12-2015, 12:24 PM
Hey Milker,

I don't have a map with me to look at the sites, and they've changed in the 4 or 5 years since I've camped them. I prefer the ones nearest to Murray's Landing for most remote feel and look.

I've seen a few really fat smallies pulled out of the pool right below the falls, I have a place right next to the falls, but don't fish that spot.

Smallie fishing is decent when camping near Murray's Landing, too.

Navigable right up to the waterfall.


First time TFF guy here, looking to go late June for camping. Have camped Sylvania so our group (5 guys) is fine with rustic sites, but an F site would be preferred. We would like to be mostly away from boat traffic and not too close to other sites. We also want to be out of site of cabins, resorts, roads and powerlines (at least while at the campsite). Good smallmouth fishing somewhat nearby would be nice, too.

Has anyone tried F17, R28, F2 or F3. Also curious about R16 or F11.

Also, is it navigable all the way up to the rapids where the Turtle spills in from Lake of the Falls? Wondered if you can hit smallmouth in the pool below those rapids in the summer.

05-12-2015, 01:36 PM
Thanks so much! Very helpful info.

05-13-2015, 08:00 AM
Welcome to one of my favorite places in the world.

I camp a lot and I look for similar things. Unfortunately I don't know much about F2 or F3 because I never fish that side of the island. R16 and F11 would definitely be "high traffic" in the sense that you would see a lot of boats. That area gets a lot of attention. It can also be tricky to keep the boat safe at R16 if you get a strong west wind across the lake and the waves pick up. I agree with Ruff Fish that the Murrays Landing area is nice if you want to be in solitude. If you prefer to stay closer to the middle of the lake, F16 is awesome and F15 is great too. R26 is a nice site on Blair Lake. You would be all alone.

Greater solitude can be found on the South end of the lake, and everything looks nicer because the tornado spared that area.

One more thought. I wouldn't rule out the middle part of the lake. Though there are Resorts nearby, and some boat traffic, many of the campsites are still very isolated. R21 is on an isthmus between two sheltered bays and is beautiful. R22 is also very remote feeling, but not so great if you have several tents. R20 F12 and R19 are situated in protected places also. You would hear boats occasionally, but in evening, you will feel like you're in Canada. F9 is my favorite place on the whole lake to watch the sunset. It is up on a hill and faces West. I have caught smallies in this "middle" area but they are everywhere when the bite is hot.

Hope you find a great spot. Glad to answer any questions about a specific site if I have been there.

05-13-2015, 10:33 AM
Great information, yodel3. I will be saving this in my notes!

05-25-2015, 09:25 AM
Two other questions:

-Do rangers make random camp check ups? If so, what sorts of things are they looking for? I don't want to run afoul of the rules.

-How good is cell/data signal on the flowage? I have Verizon and was going to download the Fishidy app for a map. I don't have a marine GPS and am using a rented boat.

St Croix Kid
05-25-2015, 09:55 AM
Verizon coverage is spotty at best. I hear US cellular is the best on the water. ATT isn't bad if i remember right

05-26-2015, 06:59 PM
I always liked the site to the east or the Rat lake entrance. Not much traffic, good smallie fishing surrounds you, nightly loon serenade, good breeze but also a nice, protected bay for the boats. You'll think you're in Canada, I felt it was more remote feeling than the Sylvania. Lastly, you will be shocked at the size of TFF smallies, they are obese. Oh yeah, I always get bars by Sporstman's landing, never fails.

05-26-2015, 09:00 PM
K I'll chime in on a lot of the questions. From the question about campsites mostly in the Springstead landing area I'll assume you're jumping off in that area. First of all cell coverage. We get good Verizon coverage if there is a opening to the southeast, I think the tower is in Lac Du Flambeau. My phone picks up well enough that I can log into this site and find out from Don P if they're biting deep or he's getting them drifting the shallow flats... but not quite well enough that incoming calls from work get through. :)

Next questions, campsites. They're all good, some are "gooder" than others. Depends on what you want.. sounds like you want less traffic so stay out of the main channels between lakes and areas. Another thing to consider is play the wind. Some are beautiful, with great star views like R-18 but if there's a strong south wind it's not enjoyable at all. Regarding your other sites in the 1st post:

F2 and F3, haven't been there in a while, I remember them as not bad.

F17 and R28 in Horseshoe. F17 is great, beautiful site. Just walked around R28 Sunday, it's come along. More room to pitch several tents there. One thing to remember about both is the south wind, if its strong they get hit hard. The second is if it's hot and a busy weekend like the 4th of July, the basin in Horseshoe is one of the few places on the TFF tubers get pulled around... and around ... and around.

R16 is a nice site and gets you out of traffic. F-11 is a new one that we walked around yesterday. It's getting broken in but not very level. Not sure how it handles 5 guys though, there's one good large tent spot and several small ones. Great view to the west and not a lot of traffic passing close by. We haven't stayed there yet but will soon.

Overall I think part of the fun of visiting the TFF is going on the hunt for a camp site. We've had to wedge into what we thought was a lesser site only to find by the end of the weekend we enjoyed it, as always. Seems like since the pay sites opened a couple of years ago there are more open camp sites even on Friday nights, I know if I was coming from 300 miles away with a group I'd go the reserved pay route. The sites damaged by the storm are coming back, there is more room opening up as the firewood is scavenged and the trees are getting big enough to provide some shade.

OK, now the ranger question. Haven't seen a Ranger on site for 3 years now, since Ken put in his summer. Before that is was Josh for 3 years, who succeeded the famous Dennis... who we all miss. Let's just say the regulars miss having Ranger coverage and leave it at that. There is still patrols by the properties group and DNR wardens. Follow the regs on the TFF site and on the back of the maps and you'll be OK.

Bring your weather radio, enjoy your time, and leave your site better than you found it!!

OK, now for the veterans, curious to hear if anyone has stayed at all the sites or close to it? We counted up 17 the other day that we've slept at... Favorites, past or present? We still tip our caps to the old C12, many an enjoyable nite with family there and we miss the midnight walk to the south point to see the stars and count satellites...

Have fun and be safe all... Larry

05-27-2015, 09:07 AM
Larry, great info! You know, I can research it all I want, but like you said, there is a certain magic to finding a site in the moment. Once we're there, and evaluating the weather, the mood of the group and so forth, I'm sure we may end up in a completely different place than we envisioned. The fun part is knowing that this is a body of water big enough that you can come back several times and still explore new areas.

06-10-2015, 11:24 AM
Another question - is it OK to drink the water out of the flowage provided you treat it with tablets or run it through a filter? I'm used to doing this up at Sylvania. Just wondering if people do this.

Ruff Fish
06-11-2015, 03:24 PM
Another question - is it OK to drink the water out of the flowage provided you treat it with tablets or run it through a filter? I'm used to doing this up at Sylvania. Just wondering if people do this.

I don't know if it's smart or not, but I've been boiling TFF water, then making coffee with it.

Don Pemble
06-11-2015, 06:58 PM
Best be advised to buy bottle water at Snows IGA in Mercer, TFF has a daily hatch of bugs out there, will most likely plug up your filter. Not kidding.

06-12-2015, 07:16 AM
Best be advised to buy bottle water at Snows IGA in Mercer, TFF has a daily hatch of bugs out there, will most likely plug up your filter. Not kidding.

Springstead landing has a water well that pumps clean, cold water. Its close to most areas of the flowage so if you dont use that landing you can always stop by as you need to fill up.

George G
06-13-2015, 10:24 AM
Springstead landing has a water well that pumps clean, cold water. Its close to most areas of the flowage so if you dont use that landing you can always stop by as you need to fill up.

Other than the bottle water, or get one of the 6 or 7 gallon containers your can buy and fill with water, public pump at springstead is really good. Water also gets tested for inpurities that are harmful to you. So buy a container, they even come with a spigot that screws into the cover, square in configuration so you can lay it on its side and open the spigot and drain what you need, shut it off and conserve the rest for another use. Camper friendly , lots of water also. Enjoy your time on the flowage.

06-13-2015, 11:42 AM
Don's right as usual. The water on the turtle will clog a filter. Depending on which type you use, that might just mean cleaning it more often. I sometimes pre-filter with a t-shirt or something to get the big stuff before filtering.

I do, however, filter and drink the water often. I would suggest an extra water jug to be filled at springstead as the easiest method, but filtering will do in a pinch.