View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
06-18-2015, 06:52 AM
Mondays trip was cancelled due to bad weather, but we were back at it on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesdays action was not one to brag about as my guest and I found slow to no action in most areas we fished. Trying fatheads, leeches, and crawlers to see which one worked the best didn't work out as most fish had lockjaw. We decided to put some type of fish in the well for a meal, we tried vertical jigging over a few cribs and we did manage to get 5 big gills and 2 jumbo perch. We did try one last spot for walleye and we found 5 nice active ones over submerged wood in 13 feet of water, good way to end the day. Wednesdays trip was all together different as my two guests and I put up with the rain long enough to boat 9 real nice eyes on Reeves weedless jigs tipped with large fatheads. These fish were all relating to submerged cabbage weeds in 4 to 7 feet of water. Working this area for just over an hour produced those nice eyes along with two jumbo perch, great way to finish as the rain storm increased.

No scheduled trips until Sunday, will keep you posted.

Don's Guide Service