View Full Version : October 13th fishing report

Ty Sennett
10-14-2015, 07:39 AM
I had John Dahl out yesterday and it was a bad day to be a sucker on the Chip. We had five fish hit suckers and caught two. The first one we caught was a 48" fish thanks to Dave Black. He told me where it was. Thanks Phatty! An hour after that fish we lost another one at the boat close to the same size. We didn't have a good hookset on that one. After rigging up a new sucker I dropped it down and a tiger muskie grabbed it right away. John had a really good hookset on that one and we boated a 40 1/2" tiger to end the day. Pretty sweet.

Water temperature was around 56 degrees yesterday

10-20-2015, 11:14 AM
Hey Ty! Thanks for taking me out. Here is the first video I made. I will probaly post a few more. I had the trip of a lifetime!

10-20-2015, 01:19 PM
Awesome footage! Thanks for sharing, and now I know for certain that there are Tigers in the flowage... I just assumed they were mythical creatures like bigfoot, unicorns and boogills.

Ty Sennett
10-23-2015, 06:59 AM
Great fishing with you John. Thanks for the YouTube hype. Appreciate it. I was hoping that the down camera picked up the hit but I'm guessing it didn't in the stained water.

Fidler, there's no Unicorns??.....

10-23-2015, 10:58 AM
Oh crap, just kidding Ty, Unicorns are real. Kim Jung Il knows where they are. Google "Kim Jung Il Unicorn" and you will find your answer.

10-25-2015, 09:19 PM
Here is the link to the underwater video. We got a little lucky in that there was a light patch near when the Musky hit the sucker. I love the video even though its hard to see whats happening. Hopefully we can make some more in the future!
