View Full Version : Uihleins place in Kavanaugh

10-19-2015, 04:56 PM
Very interesting article in outdoor wisconsin news. Basically your neighbor wants to anchor the bog in kavanaugh with 50 4 foot wide pilings. Pilings would rise no more than 15 feet above the bog to minimize visual impacts. Honestly not sure how I feel about this, just thought it was very interesting and an FYI for the locals.

10-19-2015, 07:25 PM
Very interesting article in outdoor wisconsin news. Basically your neighbor wants to anchor the bog in kavanaugh with 50 4 foot wide pilings. Pilings would rise no more than 15 feet above the bog to minimize visual impacts. Honestly not sure how I feel about this, just thought it was very interesting and an FYI for the locals.

Amazing what you can get done when the Governor is in your pocket.

Bill Gardner
10-19-2015, 08:32 PM
Take a look at my post of August 13, 2011, when I first noted the impending development. Dfkiii said he hoped there wouldn't be a McMansion built there. Early Retirement said he wouldn't build anything there unless he worked out a deal with the floating bog to stay away. Ty said he didn't think there was any development, just some marking of trees for some reason.

It was a more innocent time.

Ty Sennett
10-20-2015, 08:22 AM
I can't believe that this is even being considered. My parents have the only other house in Kavanaugh so does that mean they also should get to block the other larger bog in the bay which is even more troublesome than the bog Uihlein wants to anchor? And then why wouldn't Siskos anchor the next one that floats by their place? Ridiculous!! Hopefully the DNR makes the right decision.

Bill Gardner
10-21-2015, 08:13 PM
Here is the Milwaukee Journal story....
