View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
05-09-2016, 06:01 AM
Back out yesterday and was greeted with light and variable winds along with clear blue sky's, just what the doctor didn't order. Starting out in the deep channels where I had the best success on Saturday produced absolutely nothing, like someone turned off the light switch. With that, my guest and I decided to go shallow and it paid off. Using Reeves weedless jigs tipped with either large fatheads or 1/2 crawler, we worked a big stretch of submerged wood and stumps in 6 to 7 foot of water and had action on the very first cast. It was one here and one there until the winds picked up and then they really got active. For a period of a half hour or so it was almost an eye on every other cast mixed in with a couple of big jumbo perch, for the most part, crawlers were the hot producer. We then moved into shallow wind blown shorelines and found noting but smallmouth, but can't complain about a fish on the end of the rod.

Back out today, will keep you posted.

Don's Guide Service