View Full Version : New bathroom protocall at Bay Store

Frank Walsh
05-27-2016, 06:08 PM
I was in the midst of ordering a transgender bathroom sign for the public outhouse, when I realized that it would be redundant.....


Tim Kelly
05-28-2016, 01:48 AM
That's hilarious.

05-28-2016, 07:50 AM
Too funny !!!!

Muskie Junkie
06-01-2016, 07:09 AM
I am failing to see the humor in this. :confused:

Frank Walsh
06-01-2016, 07:47 AM
Look up. Need a ladder?

Muskie Junkie
06-02-2016, 07:19 AM
Yes please, I have borrowed them several times previously from you in the past and I am sure I will to need to in the future. ;)