View Full Version : TFF Upodate

Don Pemble
06-02-2016, 07:12 AM
Wednesday greeted my two guests and I with fairly strong SW winds and a very good shallow bite, problem is that half of the bites were from hammer handles. Working shallow wind blown brush and weedy shorelines with Reeves weedless jigs tipped with large fatheads or 1/2 crawlers, we found an assortment of walleye and pike scattered out along these areas. With the winds too strong for using an anchor, we worked these areas back and forth with my Vantage trolling motor and within 3 hours we had 7 nice eyes in the well and many pike either thrown back and many more that bit off our jigs. After this bite came to a halt we moved to other wind blown areas but by this time the winds had picked up to over 30 mph and made the juice in the batteries drain rather fast, pounding many areas with no results we moved to some quieter areas to find only 1 big jumbo perch With batteries totally drained, I tried maintaining position with the outboard but the winds were so strong we had water coming over the top of my wave wackers, we then called it a day at 2:45.

Back out today for a morning trip, will keep you posted.

Don's Guide Service