View Full Version : week to go

06-10-2016, 07:25 PM
Yeh,about time.1 week to go.
All systems here suggest a good opener.Weeds coming.Water temps in mid to high 60s and climbing fast.
All species biting.
Bring it on!!!!

06-10-2016, 08:09 PM
good luck I hope you do well.

06-10-2016, 10:36 PM
Any other predictions? Going to be a big fish year, or a numbers year? Any new must have baits?

Looking forward to being back up there again.


06-11-2016, 08:28 AM
Hi Ryan.Guess I should feel good that after all these years you still apparently value my opinions but somehow I don't,thinking you should know better.Nevertheless you asked so....
New baits?Always.At an accelerating pace.New and worthwhile?Not really I suspect,at least from what I've seen although even with rooms full of past dreams I still buy more.$100s worth of surface baits alone already this year.:-(
Predictions?The lake is down a bit and I am one that likes that.Still a math thing for me,less water=less space=easier access to them.I'm bullish on numbers,cautious on 'bigs'.Upon arrival here I got last Falls trolling report which confirmed growing concerns I have on that score.Damn I hope I'm wrong.
All in all the glass is half full not half empty and just being here still rewards one enuf.
Hope to see ya soon.

06-11-2016, 10:13 AM
Can we not talk about last falls trolling please !! ;) LOL

06-12-2016, 10:41 PM
As the person responsible for making me a life-long Suick fan, I'd like to hear what you think of the Dyin' Dawgs. I haven't bought one yet, but the videos on MTO's website look pretty impressive. The action looks great, but I'm a little leery they won't come through the weeds that well. That neutral buoyancy thing doesn't usually equate to the best weed baits. Regardless, they look like they'll catch'em, but would love to hear the opinions of those who've thrown them.


06-13-2016, 07:16 AM
Hi.No idea on the Dyin Dawgs,never used one.Agree sure looks good in the water and Gregg and the MI guys are good people so....
Thinking you'd better bring me a couple,not in Frankies shop yet.

06-21-2016, 09:51 PM
What colors?

Any new weed migrations you've noticed? Or any recovery?

06-22-2016, 10:09 AM
Black works or anything gawdy.Pink?
Weeds?What are they?No actually think they might be better this year.Still devastating cause many of the best areas gone but appears to be a slight recovery in some limited areas.'Big Red' or 'Tobacco' types are coming in more and more spots.I don't have near the success in them as 'cabbage' but better than nothing.
Taking a few minute break.Got my annual hook burying episode out of the way this AM.Buried an oversize to the bone but fortunately able to turn it then push it through.Thank god for BIG bolt cutters.Knipex suck when alone.The Boss gone a few days but got it cleaned up,neosporined and now duct taped so heading back out a bit.To avoid any PC comments I'm happy to say the fish,maybe 40,handled and survived it better thn me.She didn't scream or cry.

06-22-2016, 02:39 PM
We were at Frank's from June 11-17 with our son who helped us catch 7 musky (31-38") while casting for pike. White and black spinners and yellow and red #5 mepps seemed to be the most popular lures. There were some big ones that followed as well. Walleye weren't easy to find, but we did well with perch. It's too hot and humid here, wish we were back at LOTW.