View Full Version : 2016 Flatlanders Assault on Walsh's Baystore Camp

Muskie Junkie
06-30-2016, 07:30 AM
Let this be a warning to all of you fine folks on Oak Island, the Flatlanders are getting rev'ed up and preparing for our annual Assault to Oak Island. Consider this as a warning shot.



06-30-2016, 07:35 AM
Any chance it might go away?
Other Gender challenged?
Any info appreciated since I need to time my trip home for vacation.

Muskie Junkie
07-01-2016, 08:00 AM
You are getting off the hook, no Sully and No Jeff. The rest of the crew and a couple of new faces will be there. July 16th - 23rd will be the week. The crew as of this morning is:

Dick Estes
Wally Haas
Mike Kruger
Stuart Adrian
Harvey Gustafson -tentative
Jeff Gayhart = tentative
Jack Pertz
Kevin Stenzel
Jerrry Oestreich
Becky Oestreich
Steve Ruhmann
Brian Hansas
Leo Hauser
Martin Hauser
Tim Scruggs
Dave Jack
Dick Cholke
Bob Cholke
Cliff Stetter
Frank Stetter
Kyle Scruggs
Brock Jack

So you see, it is a quality crew.


07-01-2016, 02:30 PM
Have to admit that does look like a good crew.Just got back from a ball buster trip home n maybe I'll stay while you guys here.

07-04-2016, 09:21 AM
One day dp....one day Sully and I will re-partner. When that day comes you better run. We will be on you like stink on Sully! This will be what I tell Frank when I make reservations... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icCmo2p6w8g

Until then, good luck to all.

Jeff (Bat Boat 2)

07-04-2016, 12:07 PM
Jeff,I can take hell,I can handle the shotgun even,but another 'mooning' is really scary.
By the way,didn't both of you get a 48 with me?And still no 'thank you',still no 'tip'.Better tip me soon before I tip over.

07-05-2016, 08:40 AM
I got my 48 a couple days after fishing with you but you get credit because it was on a spot you took us. I probably wouldn't have fished that spot if you hadn't. That's the spot we call "The Mouth". I did give you a tip, though. I told you to plant your corn early the next year. I thought that was a GOOD tip, what with the goofy weather that year.

Side note...that was 14 years ago! My regular milk run still includes those now famed spots:
The Mouth - Caught my first 4 footer there.
Little Big Fish - Little island where you forgot to figure 8 a big fish just waiting to eat your bait.
3 Trees - Best saddle on the lake.
Sleepy Hollow - Fish were stacked in this little garage, enough that we could see numbers of them laying there.
Blanck's Corner - Still my favorite point/finger sticking out into the abyss (where you saw me and Danny swimming after his Cowgirl, also the spot where I filled your boat with branches getting a bait from the tree)

Good memories! Thanks again.

07-05-2016, 10:39 AM
Well I was thinking more along the lines of a monetary tip but suppose that's unlikely n will have to settle for the verbal.Was it Sully running the Bucher then?
I'm sure when he realizes he never tipped me he'll scramble to rectify the oversight-Knowing him as I do.While at it,wouldn't hurt him to man up n admit he knowingly and intentionally knocked Steves 50 off with my net while I watched helplessly.

Muskie Junkie
07-06-2016, 07:53 AM
***** UPDATE*****

Ted Ustich will be joining Harvey Gustafson on our trip. Jeff Gayhart was having some heart issues and went in for triple bypass surgery. Harvey has talked to him and he is recovering quite well. I believe he started rehab this week. We will miss you Jeff!! Ted, you have some big shoes to fill.

In other related news, I will not speak to 50 inch fish being knocked off with net, the pain is still to much to relive again.


07-06-2016, 05:33 PM
I feel your pain Steve.I'm somewhat traumatized yet.Sully is......
Everyone here sorry to hear about Jeff and wishes him well.

Frank Walsh
07-07-2016, 06:55 AM
Good news Ruhmmy. Your new butt seat and pedestal finally arrived. However, you might have to repaint the boat.


Muskie Junkie
07-07-2016, 07:10 AM
Wow that looks like a comfortable seat. No more legs dangling like I was riding a merry go round. I will take painting the boat under advisement.
DP, the spot of "the incident" has been named knock off point for a reason.


07-07-2016, 09:08 AM
Good news Ruhmmy. Your new butt seat and pedestal finally arrived. However, you might have to repaint the boat.


THAT'S FUNNY STUFF RIGHT THERE!!!!! The guys in the job trailer just looked at me funny as I broke out in laughter.

07-07-2016, 05:54 PM
You guys are cruel.I try to avoid that-even during negotiations when he was buying my boat.I never commented when he kept repeating;"I'm a little short,I'm a little short,I'm a little short".

Frank Walsh
07-07-2016, 08:06 PM
All while clicking his ruby red slippers......

Muskie Junkie
07-08-2016, 07:02 AM
The key to that is RED ruby slippers.... Of course I am chanting, There's no place like Bay Store, there's no place like Bay Store, there's no place like Bay Store......

07-17-2016, 02:32 PM
Well just got in and couldn't resist sneaking into their exclusive and private headquarters.Heck,no one around so why not?If my hands and toes counted right it appears they got 13 muskies yesterday afternoon.Steve R appears to have the biggest at 48.(likely cause he stole my boat which is a fishing machine)I'd say they are off to a great start!
The fish were nutso this morning so suspect they'll do well again today although a front just came in and right now I'm looking at 3 footers at least.(chairs blew off my deck)Not to mention thunder n rain.
We suspected things were going well when perhaps a half hour after departing yesterday we saw 2 guys returning.While releasing their second fish one of them was hooked pretty badly.Frank,my wife and I were there to assist with ice,tools,neosporin and moral support but the injured guys partner did the minor surgery necessary to get the hook through and ultimately removed.Less than an hour later,with a well wrapped hand,they were off again.Hardcore.

07-18-2016, 11:04 AM
Just snuck in again.Early report cause fishing sucked this AM.
Subject to error by my fingers n toes looks like they got 15 fish yesterday with good ol Stu Adrian stepping up with a 49.Way to go Stu!

07-18-2016, 11:38 AM
Congrats to my small in stature friend Ruhmann! ;) Good luck rest of trip look fw to pics and stories...be safe !

07-18-2016, 12:07 PM
Way to go Stu! Nice to hear they are on fish. That would be a nice pace for a good total fish for the week. I hope it continues. Tell them to post more info! Tim was commenting that they had a good cell signal up there.

07-18-2016, 12:52 PM
Tim s busy with his surgical residency.Once he's a full fledged surgeon he'll have more time.

07-18-2016, 03:13 PM
Ahhh. That gives insight to the "incident". Like father - like son!

07-18-2016, 03:21 PM
I was in contact with Kyle who gave a minor report to go with dp's. He confirmed Stu's 49 with 32 total for the first 2 days with the following boat numbers to date:

Dick Estes
Wally Haas

Mike Kruger Stuart Adrian - 5 so far up to 49"

Harvey Gustafson
Ted Ustich

Jack Pertz
Kevin Stenzel

Jerry Oestreich Becky Oestreich - 5 so far (J.O. pair of 48's)

Steve Ruhmann Brian Hansas - S.R. 48 (Don't know total)

Leo Hauser
Martin Hauser

Tim Scruggs Dave Jack - 5 so far

Dick Cholke
Bob Cholke

Cliff Stetter
Frank Stetter

Kyle Scruggs Brock Jack - 5 so far up to 45"

Frank Walsh
07-19-2016, 11:09 AM
Yesterday definitely an off day. Except for Jerry O.

07-19-2016, 12:13 PM
Thanks for the ACCURATE update Frank. Kyle must have had lake water in his eyes when he texted me his info. Looking forward to today's!

07-19-2016, 02:32 PM
Board shows 15 again for yesterday with Jerry O's 46 the biggest.Looking at just 'fish' on the board will mislead you.In a couple of cases there apparently wasn't enuf room for all the 'fish'.

07-19-2016, 03:01 PM
Little observation. I thought there would have been more upper 40 inch fish being caught. The great year class of fish that we have been watching/catching from a few years ago are not showing up yet this year. I remember in the 2006 and 2007 years when they were 43-45" and showing up as 46's, 47's and 48's over the last few years. Hopefully, they will show up later this week. The board usually has more black ink (under 40") at least a few days of the week and then the red and blue ink comes into play (above 40" and into 50"). Come on blue!!! Come to think of it...if the bell ever needs painting, it should be blue!

07-19-2016, 03:28 PM
Hey am posting this here cause I observed what I believe to be a Chapter boat running the wrong side of the 2 green buoys just south of Twin Islands.Now,likely only 1 small place they could hit there with the water up, BUT if that is their practice,numerous spots other places will quickly 'hurt them'.Will try get the info out here as well.
Just remember,'RED RIGHT RETURN'.Going with the current RED on your left.(mainly north or some variation thereof here.)But RED on right when going home or against the flow.
Of course,if in doubt slow down n check your chip or map(although plenty of chips are F ed up in that respect as well.)

07-20-2016, 12:33 PM
Tough day yesterday for the group.8 fish.Very surprised to see this but then my day was made early.Hopefully they'll get even cause this morning I got skunked.
Very hot,very humid,would think the fish will 'go' sometime today.

07-20-2016, 01:15 PM
"...but then my day was made early."
I take it the bell rang before anyone else was up/out?!

07-20-2016, 04:23 PM
Sadly no Jeff,just got 3 nice ones.

07-21-2016, 01:33 PM
Looks like they got 11 yesterday.Mostly smaller except 1 45.Suspect they had a good evening cause the boats I talked to midday were struggling.Considering the weather I'd say they did very well.
This morning was fantastic so hopefully the action will continue despite the increasing wind n temps.Bet they will have another good evening as well.

07-22-2016, 11:37 AM
They had a good day yesterday as suspected.16 fish plus a 50.I'm unable to say with certainty who caught the 50 cause the board is a bit confusing.Maybe you know Jeff and can post the fisherman's name.There are six fish,the 50 included,lumped together in a group that covers the space for 2 boats(4 guys).Anyway congrats to the fisherman who caught it.Hopefully others will ring the bell today.The fish were on the prowl this AM and while I wasn't skunked my skills were evident and 3-4 swam away laughing.One very nice one.

07-22-2016, 02:02 PM
According to Kyle, Greg Lehman caught a 50 last night. Not sure if that is his biggest but I know he's newer to the trip. I think he partnered with Ruhmann last year...which would explain why he went to another boat to get a 50! Doah! Kyle was telling me that last night they had a couple nice fish at prime time that were piled on one spot with one being a 50 but it would not hit. They went back this morning and got a 40 but none of the big ones were showing themselves. Nice to see some fish moving before they have to leave. He said last night "they have 75 fish for the group but the day isn't over."

07-23-2016, 02:28 PM
Sadly they missed the best day of year.