View Full Version : It was pretty tough (again) for us on LSC.

Red Childress
08-27-2016, 06:46 PM
We had action each day with very few daily followers. The fish we did see were very nice so that was enough to keep us motivated. Everything that thought about eating, did just that. The wind and waves were big for 5 of 6 days with rain, blue skies, lightning and tornadoes. Wind direction changed 3 times and kept us moving from spot to spot to avoid floaters which was a blessing because it forced us to adapt and explore. We found some awesome new water to fish and waypointed a ton of stuff. According to the walleye and perch guys, they were struggling as well so we came away with most of our ego intact. Aside from not achieving my goal of casting-up a 55" fish, it was a blast.

Quick story to share......On Wednesday evening, we had storms move through our area. As we watched the storm move up the lake from the South (at around 630pm), we wanted to fish really bad. I had netted a big fish the day before (see pic below) and earlier we had decided to spend our evening shift in that area. The only thing we had to decide was if we should fish or head to the apartment. We eventually packed up and left. We spend the next couple of hours having a beverage and watching this massive death cloud move up the lake in front of us bringing some big rain too. The next morning we turned on the 5am news and tornadoes had hit southern Ontario area......the area very close to where we wanted to fish. (A great friend and walleye pro had always warned me about the unpredictability of Great Lakes storms and I sure am glad we got out of there.) There are smarter ways to die than holding a 9ft. graphite rod in the middle of a 227,000 acre lake during a T-storm. :)


08-30-2016, 08:13 AM
Sounds like quite the adventure. I swear some fishing trips can be described as character building projects. LOL My brother and I will be heading on a trip in a week or so. Can't wait to see what old Mother Nature will have in store for us. Just got some new sink tip line to throw on the flyrod just in case we have some more of those wonderful wicked winds to cast into.

Red Childress
09-01-2016, 06:18 AM
Where are you guys headed or is one of those "Lake X" destinations? ;)

Good Luck!

09-01-2016, 09:33 AM
LOL We are heading to Chautauqua. At this point, I am hoping the bloom isn't too bad for throwing flies. I always end up psyching myself out when the water is super stained believing that the fish will have a hard time "seeing" the flies even though I have caught fish under the same conditions. Just one of those things I guess. LOL

Red Childress
09-01-2016, 11:46 AM
You may even bang into a few stud walleye there too. There has been one heckuva big walleye bite up there for 2-3 weeks and not in deep water either. As for the stained water, I used to feel the same way until 2/2003 when we hit 7 muskies in 5.5 hours.....the water had absolute 0 visibility BUT we were not throwing flies either. Air temps were -8 when we launched and got up to a balmy 7 above before we quit.

09-01-2016, 11:53 AM
Walleye would be fun too. I believe my brother and I have only landed 1 walleye so far while Musky fishing. It was a nice one at about 27". Would be pretty cool to get one on the fly too.

Wow, that would definitely help cure my stainded water blues too. LOL I end up talking myself into throwing topwaters a lot under those conditions even though I've had luck with standard streamer type patterns. Guess we'll just throw everything at em and see where we end up.