View Full Version : Chautauqua Lake last evening

Red Childress
09-15-2016, 06:08 AM
I hit Chautauqua Lake after work with my buddy/guide Andy Ohl. We definitely had post-frontal conditions as we launched the boat and the sky cleared out. We had action from 1 fish 2 different times. She swiped my Dadson Discotheque and flashed off at boatside so I immediately made a short cast back and she hit on the first turn. I could see she had the rear hook and just as Andy was ready to scoop, she came off. Very nice fish and looked to be in the mid-40's or so. We quit at dark-30. End of story.

Lake temps were 75 or so depending on where you are.

Good Luck out there!

Red Childress
09-16-2016, 06:28 AM
I forgot to mention that Andy had a fish put some slices in his October Tube earlier in the evening.