View Full Version : One more trip to Frank's next week and this will be my next focus.

10-19-2016, 09:54 AM
The upcoming Deer season should be good with bucks like these fighting already.

11-06-2016, 02:35 PM
The weather was fantastic last week and only one day when the docks were slippery. Sweats and rain suit was all that was needed to brave the cool weather (upper 40's). All cabins were full most of the time with Musky fishermen and an occasional Walleye person showed up. We spent 3 days fishing Musky/Pike and had a total of 14 to the side of the boat. No pictures were taken because they did not meet our expectation of trophy catch. That is a 50" Musky or 40" Pike. Our largest Musky was 45" and most of the rest were in the low 40's. Our largest Pike was not measured because slimy fish are not allowed in the Ranger unless it would make 40". That is Franks rule as it should be. We were hoping to get 2+ days of Walleye fishing but our schedule did permit that to happen. Did manage to fish about 8 1/2 hours totally and our count was a little over 100 Walleye with the largest being 25". Next trip is scheduled for hard water in January.
Going down to Iowa farm on Wednesday to see what my camera's have in store for me. I will set them on video for the rest of November to see them in action. Can't wait.

Tim Kelly
11-07-2016, 01:35 PM
Sounds good to me. Great to get a last soft water trip in. :)

Frank Walsh
11-08-2016, 09:34 AM
It's Not Iowa, nut pretty impressive for us. Somehow can't remember jus where this camera is.......


11-08-2016, 04:35 PM
Thanks Frankie.Now I have 2 reasons not to sleep tonight.

11-09-2016, 06:27 AM
One worry removed.Fricking great!!!!

11-09-2016, 11:17 AM
My trip to Iowa has been delayed until Thursday because I am glued to all the news today.

Tim Kelly
11-10-2016, 03:18 AM
So's the rest of the world. I wish him the best of luck and hope he has more character and responsibility than he's shown so far. The world is watching with baited breath.

11-12-2016, 02:08 PM
26312Here are some pictures that were on my camera's this week. The rest of the month until deer season will be on video. I think that the last photo will be a record book class. The real wide buck looks good but the tops are a little short. Enjoy from Iowa.

Tim Kelly
11-13-2016, 01:36 PM
Seriously impressive deer there! Do you feed them or are they that size because of the quality of the land?

11-13-2016, 08:18 PM
It is because of the crops, corn/beans, and forage, namely clover/alfalfa, that they eat. I do not put out any type of food plots for them but make sure that the land and water is available. They are free ranging deer so could end up anywhere. Thank you for asking Tim and hopefully I will see you again at Franks.

Tim Kelly
11-14-2016, 04:52 PM
Be great to see you there too. Good luck with the deer. Bow and arrow or gun?

12-11-2016, 08:03 AM
Well another successful season of hunting season in Iowa. I had to take this picture of this buck before it became a staple on my dinner table for the next 12 months. It was only 25 yards from my tree stand and was 12 points because of split brow tines. I still haven't looked at my video's after all camera's were removed for the season. I will post one if they are warranted. 26413

12-16-2016, 08:33 AM
Here is one of my video's taken by game camera on opening day of Iowa. Unfortunately we were hunting the opposite side of the farm that day when the big boy showed up. Nobody was in the stand near the camera but hopefully he will be there next year. That is the way hunting goes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQUC1o253EU

12-16-2016, 08:51 AM
A video from the game camera where we sat on opening day. Video was taken earlier so we sat there but a big mistake on my part.


Merry Christmas to all.

12-24-2016, 10:33 AM
Now I can only dream about next year of the the buck in the background that got away and the one in the foreground that will be ready for 2017. Merry Christmas.


01-06-2017, 01:14 PM
26423Now that hunting season is over I am ready to get back to reality. Two more weeks until ice fishing at Frank's. I will post some pictures of our success.26422

Tim Kelly
01-06-2017, 04:46 PM
Look forward to the pics Dick. Try to get a burbot for me. Apparently they used to live in the Thames 150 years ago, but are extinct over here now. Cod family I believe.

01-06-2017, 05:17 PM
I will surely take a picture if someone will hold it for a quick shot. They are also called Fresh Water Cod from what I have been told. When they show up the Walleye seem to disappear and I do not know why.

01-29-2017, 05:27 PM
2643726436264352643426433In case you were wondering, our approximate total catch for 4 days was 290 Walleye, Sauger, Pike and Perch. The largest being Pike 30”, Walleye 22”, Sauger 17” and Perch 14”. The best lure caught probably 90% of the fish was the Flutter Spoon in Golden Perch by Northland. Jigging was the way to go and dead stick was wasting time. The boards in the cleaning house were the ones that Matt and I caught on Thursday.

Tim Kelly
01-29-2017, 06:21 PM
That looks like a fun time! Burbot were a no show eh? Next time. :)

01-30-2017, 09:23 AM
No Burbot were hooked as far as I know. We had some good fish on for a few seconds but they opened their mouths and spit out the lure. Maybe someone else will catch one and capture a picture for us. Take care Tim.

Tim Kelly
02-01-2017, 02:07 AM

Could have been you... :)

Frank Walsh
02-01-2017, 09:41 AM
For some reason, beyond my limited knowledge, the frequency of burbot being caught is way down. Even in the areas they are known to spawn, and are targeted, catches are down to almost zilch.

Tim Kelly
02-01-2017, 02:19 PM
Huh. Is LOTW connected to the Thames? They died out here a hundred or so years ago, but that was probably due to pollution and maybe warming weather trends. The Thames used to freeze over fairly regularly, but it's unheard of now.

Actually, that's not entirely true. I had to break through about 100 yards of ice last weekend above a lock to get to open water! Maybe there were burbot below me?