View Full Version : 10/20

Jerry Tipping
10-20-2016, 06:37 PM
Chuck from Kenosha had a morning trip booked for today, and has another for Saturday along with his sons. A really stiff, cold north breeze to start the day. We launched at Chester's and started by Yellow Banks pulling flies in the river, then switched to pulling cranks in the river. Boated over 20 "shorties", had 1 "keeper", 1 cat fish, and 1 big dog fish. I haven't caught a dog fish in probably 20 years. A really strong fighter, and biter. He totally destroyed my Shad Rap. :cool: The buoys are out of the river,and the pier is out at the launch.

Keep a tight line!!!

Jerry ;) Sunday is supposed to be a nice day and I have it open if anyone would like to get in some late fall action.