View Full Version : 10/21

Jerry Tipping
10-21-2016, 05:45 PM
Jeff "Chief", along with his son Jeff booked a morning trip on "Pete" for today before they start bow hunting over the weekend. Chief was out with me on the 3rd along with his friend Mike and we did pretty well. Today he wanted to keep count on how many walleyes and pan fish we put in the boat. He just wanted to count the ones we actually put in the boat, not the ones that fell off at boat side. Chief had 20, Jeff put 22 in, and I finished with 25. They kept 3 walleyes, and 4 blue gills. We also had a 27" slot walleye. We started at 7 and the water temp was 58, and when we finished at noon it was 62. :cool:

Keep a tight line!!!

Jerry ;)