View Full Version : Monday 9/18 - 9/19

Jerry Tipping
09-19-2017, 05:39 PM
Monday 9/18:
Steve and Bernie booked a morning trip on "The Rock". Steve has a condo at Northern Bay and just wanted to go out for a few hours and catch some fish, but not keep. We soaked dead rods and jigged channel edges with fat-heads around timber in 16 - 18 feet of water. We boated and released 3 "keepers that were just 15 ", over 25 "shorties", 1 crappie, 1 perch, and a catfish.

Tuesday 9/19:
Tim from Delton booked a morning trip with friends Dave, and Mark. Fished channel edges again today, and finished dabbling for blue gills with 7' light action rod tipped with a 1/32 ounce jig and red-worm. finished with more than 20 "shorties, some at 14 7/8". 3 crappies, 2 perch, 17 blue gills. (kept 12) :cool:

Keep a tight line!!!

Jerry ;)