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Red Childress
03-12-2018, 05:38 AM
I officially kicked off the 2018 season on Sunday and we grinded out a very nice musky. We had 1 bite all day and Colton did his job and got her in the bag (even though I tried my best to lose the fish on the net job)!


03-12-2018, 08:47 AM
Way to go guys, nice fish!! Thats the way to get things started. I still don't have anything set up to chase toothy critters yet. Had to go "slummin" for some trout yesterday just to feel a fish on the line. LOL

Red Childress
03-12-2018, 05:24 PM
Haha. Nuttin wrong with slummin for trout! I miss those days of wearing cammo while crawling around the Central PA streams (namely Fishing Creek from Lamar to Lock Haven) chasing brookies and browns.

Hope you satisfied your crave enough to last until you get to grab the 10wt.

03-13-2018, 08:26 AM
I'm with ya there. When I was going to LHU, I spent WAY more time on Fishing Creek than I probably should have. Its still one of my favorite trout streams in PA.

Yep, the trout were nice enough to be fairly active on Sunday Didn't have a lot of time to fish, but ended up with a few. Even the little guys were fun using a 4wt rod. I'll probably end up with a few more trout trips before being able to get chasing the toothy guys.