View Full Version : MI50 Penn Jersey Spring Online Fundraising Auction 4/23 to 5/3/18

04-23-2018, 08:53 PM
Hi all,

The annual MI50 spring auction supporting musky fishing in Eastern PA is currently open. This fundraiser will run from April 23rd to May 3rd, 2018

Auction Information and Rules are posted on the MI50 site. Remember you must be a registered user to bid on items.

MI50 Website:

Simply put, this auction is AMAZING. Clearly one of the best we have put together, the list of bait makers, guides and other lots rivals any auction assembled. We have assembled a veritable who's who of custom baits.

The auction is held each year to help the Penn-Jersey Chapter of Muskies Inc (MI50) raise money to improve the local fisheries in PA. This is mainly accomplished by purchasing advanced fingerling Muskies (12"-20") and stocking them into local lakes.

The goal this year is to do an advanced pure maintenance stocking on Marsh Creek Lake in Chester County, and also to touch upon the North Branch of the Susquehanna River.

We want to thank everyone for getting involved and participating in improving the local waters here in PA. We couldn't achieve these stockings without your generous help and support! Thank you, from all of us at MI50 Penn-Jersey Chapter of Muskies Inc.

Red Childress
04-24-2018, 05:29 PM
Bring it on, Sylvia. We need another bidding war.