View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
05-06-2019, 04:57 AM
After a long winter, opening weekend was here and gone, but it was a very good opener. With a light SW wind blowing, my two guests and I found some decent action on a shallow rock bar surrounded by new emerging reeds, we caught 3 real nice eyes on this spot but as always, two pirate boats moved in on us thinking it's just fine to drop anchor so we moved on, just a shame the Flowage is so small that when you throw out a marker buoy people rush to it like it's an invitation to join us. Moving on, we worked a 8 ft deep rocky shelf and here we found a good number of aggressive small mouth bass, so we moved again, only this time we went to deeper 20 ft deep rocks and found very good numbers of eyes. Working this area for some time and catching several eyes, we moved on after putting 3 more keepers in the well. Our next and final stop for the day was again in 20 ft depths but this time it was scattered wood on the bottom and it too was holding some nice eyes, ended up putting our final 3 keepers in the well before calling it a day. Invasion weedless jigs tipped with either fatheads or mudminnows were used. Sundays action total reversed itself as my 3 guests and I were greeted with a very cool North wind with constantly dropping temps that eventually turned into a very cold rain shower. But before the rain hit us, we had tried the same spots as the day before with no luck, so we moved to shallower water the big submerged rocks and here we found some very nice size and aggressive eyes, working areas like this for the remainder of the morning put a good deal more nice eyes in the boat and called it a day just as the dropping temps and rain got the best of us. All our fish on Sunday were taken on weedless Invasion jigs tipped with mudminnows.

Back out the next two days, will keep you posted.

Don's Guide Service

Hot Runr Guy
05-06-2019, 08:31 AM
All is right with the World, Don is posting again!

See you next Sunday sir, T, J & N.

05-06-2019, 03:34 PM
To keep most of the boat pirates away I use the H-shaped marker buoys that lay flat and I cover all of the bright yellow or red with silver duct tape. Instead of seeing the buoy from 500 feet away you pretty much need to be within 100 feet to see the duct taped buoy. Someday I'll join the 21st century and hit an icon on my GPS.

Don Pemble
05-07-2019, 06:22 AM
The marker buoy is not the point here, the point is we were circling a small submerged rock bar catching a few fish and the idiots moved right in on top of this spot and dropped anchor, now how stupid, rude, can these idiots get, weekend warriors, glad their gone.