View Full Version : Fishing the last few days

Red Childress
05-06-2019, 05:52 AM
We chased big browns the past 3 days in higher river flows and did pretty well. The crazy high numbers of big trout haven't been happening for several years now but we did managed to boat a trout over 24" on each of the 3 days. The size range continues to be in that 18-25.5 zone and the girths have been impressive. Trout are still a little sluggish with the water temps hovering around 46-47 keeping them down, rolling and head shaking during the fight. During this period of high water, pinpoint casting has been absolutely crucial to connect with most of our big trout.

We did have a first on Friday evening............while fishing for trout, Ross managed to (accidentally) snag a big muskie in the back. After a brief battle, the gator roll freed himself. (That was the first musky I have ever witnessed being hooked anywhere but the mouth.)

Hopefully, the water temps begin to climb quickly again to help kick-start good bites for all species of fish. Mid-40 degree nights and cloudy skies with cold rains are not helping the cause.

Good Luck and let's keep hoping for a warming trend soon!