View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
05-12-2019, 05:36 AM
The past two days has seen some very unsettled weather and up and down fish activity. Friday saw north winds with on and off rain showers and falling temps throughout the day while yesterday saw the winds switch to the south only to see some kind of front move in during the afternoon that saw the temps drop to as low as 45 degrees, makes you wonder what this does to the fish. Anyway, both days fish were caught on Invasion jigs tipped with either fatheads or mudminnows, most all of the eyes we caught were taken in 18 to 20 foot deep river channels, several small ones mixed in with the occasional larger ones kept your interest and will to keep working these areas. The shallow bite for walleye just didn't happen, but it was pretty darn good for pike and smallmouth bass with an occasional crappie and jumbo perch thrown in. All in all, both days provided my guests with enough fish for a very good fishfry.

Back out today for an afternoon trip, will keep you posted.

Don's Guide Service