View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
06-19-2019, 06:20 AM
Action the past two days has been either bad or very good. On Monday, my client and I spent the day working various structures and depths and did manage to boat a few smaller eyes along with small perch, pike, and rock bass, just couldn't get a handle on the walleye, one of those dreaded days. Yesterday, I was out on my own for a little relaxation and fishing and found willing walleyes and jumbo perch, same areas that we fished the day before, shallow wood. All it took was a little wind switch and cloud cover. Made it a clean sweep for the day with 3 walleye and 10 nice jumbos, all on Invasion jigs tipped with 1/2 crawler.

Back out today for a morning trip, will keep you posted.

Don's Guide Service