View Full Version : 6/22 and 6/23

Red Childress
06-24-2019, 05:29 AM
We fished in higher flows on Saturday with much of the river too muddy to fish. We found some clean water just below the dam and into Warren. Muskies and walleye were the target but the severe water temperature drop associated with all 4 gates on the dam being opened usually shuts everything down except trout.So, we switched to trout for the last couple of hours and netted 3 nice trout (2 rainbows and 1 brown) before my batteries wore down from fighting the stronger current all day.

Sunday was a fun day of fishing with some of my friends from Long Island. I decided to head to Chautauqua Lake and hunt muskies since the river was even higher than the day before. We had a good first 3 hours of action catching 3 and 3 more follows.......mostly smaller fish in the low to mid-30's. Around 10am we netted a nice 43-45 and then things slowed down around 11. We fished until 2 or so and called it a day.

I was planning to fish on Thursday but higher river flows will likely kill that trip. On Friday, Andy and I plan to do some pre-fishing in preparation for Saturday's muskie tournament on Chautauqua. Casters and trollers will go head to head in Saturday's tournament. We are being very realistic about this and just hoping to be the top casting team. It will be a fun day regardless the outcome.

2.5 days left of school then it will be time to fish mostly weekdays for a couple of months!

Good Luck out there!