View Full Version : TFF Update

Don Pemble
08-28-2019, 06:33 AM
This past week has once again seen some very good panfish action while the walleye bite has been on the slow side. Every day I was out we started out working a few different spots for walleye and we did get a few but not enough action to stick with it, especially when the perch, gills, and big crappie are starting to work more and more into the deeper wood, brush, and cribs. Using plain 1/32nd or 1/16th ounce round head jigs with light wire hooks tipped with a small piece of crawler or medium fatheads works very well, small weedless jigs work too if you desire to use them. My method of lowering your bait within 16 inches of the bottom in the brush or cribs works very well, once your depth has been determined, no need to keep jigging your bait, just leave it sit still, if you do lift or lower it, go very slow, much better results that way, slip bobbers work well too. Don't be surprised if you pop that occasional walleye doing this, they do frequent these areas quite regularly.

Back out in two days, will post results.

Don's Guide Service