View Full Version : 10/13 and 10/14

Red Childress
10-13-2019, 05:22 AM
We be a chasing muskies today. Muskies and possibly some big trout slated for tomorrow.

Good luck and stay tuned!

Red Childress
10-15-2019, 03:37 AM
We netted a mid-30’s musky with 2 other follows on Sunday while fishing some serious post-frontal conditions. Downsizing during the high sun period seemed to help.

On Monday, we moved a mid-30’s fish 3x but could not seal the deal so we went back to the same spot 45 minutes later and moved an upper 40’s fish but she did not eat. We also moved 2 decent pike during late morning. We switched to bass/trout around 11:30 and caught several big bass until 2 or so then headed to check out the 2 muskies we saw during the morning session. No luck there so we headed home.

Water temps are still warmer than normal. The lack of cool rains and above average temps has kept the water quite warm for this time of year. Things are running behind thus far.

Stay tuned and good luck!