View Full Version : 10/19 and 10/20

Red Childress
10-21-2019, 05:25 AM
On Saturday, Scott and I did some fun fishing on Chautauqua. We pounded some shallow areas that had some nice fish lurking but no luck for us. Thick fog and the coldest night thus far this Fall made visibility tough for the first couple of hours. I downsized from the very beginning assuming the bite was going to be tough under bluebird skies. Scott stayed with larger baits as we worked thru our waypoints. The bass and perch guys we spoke with at the launch said it was one of the toughest days they had had all summer/fall. We did not argue.:)

Sunday started out as a big brown/walleye hunt with Randy scoring the first legal 'eye within the first 10 casts....that would be the last legal walleye we would see the rest of the day. Zero trout sightings so we changed gears at 11 and switched primarily to bass. After catching several small-ish bass, we went hunting for larger fish and did pretty well by netting several in the 17-20" range and 2 around 22". We grinded out a pretty good haul before quitting at 3:30.

We still had river water temps over 60!

Stay tuned and good luck!

10-21-2019, 05:53 AM
Good stuff Red. Love finding a pod of big fall bronzies and putting the hammer down!
I was tied up with campaigning and house chores most of the weekend. Put a couple hours in each morning doing some bank fishing on the creeks in the upper Allegheny watershed. Finally got some good water levels but the visibility was borderline where I fished. I didn't encounter anything but like I said my time being limited my have been the factor. Everything should start shaping up nicely in the next week.
I heard somebody got a nice fish on Chautauqua yesterday! Not going to steal anyone's thunder.
Good luck and keep grinding everyone.

Red Childress
10-21-2019, 08:20 AM
I think we both saw a pic of that fish from yesterday. It came from exactly where we fished on Saturday. :)