View Full Version : Voluntary Permits

02-07-2020, 09:30 AM
This is pretty interesting. Sounds like these permits may have some potential going forward.


02-10-2020, 07:45 AM
This is pretty interesting. Sounds like these permits may have some potential going forward.


Not to be a Negative Nancy on this but aren't most of the programs that these voluntary permits describe things the PAFBC should be doing with our regular license fees anyways? I don't know much about the PA agencies but if this were NYDEC I would be very suspicious. It could be seen as just another way for the State to further fleece money from sportsmen and line a bunch of bureaucrats' pockets. I say that because I know very well the history of corruption in both the DEC and NYS in general. Maybe the Commonwealth and the FBC are different...

02-10-2020, 11:35 AM

I can certainly understand the potential for this being another chance for some of those things to happen. At this point, I remain cautiously optimistic. For the most part, the information that I have read sounds promising. However, until we see some proof as to where these funds are being used, its tough to be all in. It should be interesting to see how things unfold over the next couple of years.


02-10-2020, 02:07 PM
We'll wait and see. If you couldn't tell, I'm more of a private sector man myself. I have much more faith in groups like Muskies Inc., Bass Masters, and TU using my donations effectively/efficiently.

02-10-2020, 03:24 PM
Absolutely! There is a lot to be said about the private sector. I had been part of MI for a few years myself. Also used to contribute to the minnow fund that was setup for some NY waters a few years back. Never did quite get the full story on what happened with that project. Just seemed to disappear. Nowadays, I just keep an eye out for options that may help with the fisheries and support them as best i can.


02-14-2020, 09:26 AM
The Three Rivers Chapter of Muskies Inc donates money directly to the muskie program at the Linesville Hatchery on Pymatuning every year. The club deals directly with the hatchery and is not contributing to any general fund in the PFBC. The money is used mainly for minnows, but also other equipment to help raise PA muskies and muskies only. The muskies from that hatchery are the main source of pure bread muskies to stock the state, not just Pymatuning. The minnows go to help feed muskies that are now raised to yearlings before being stocked.

If you fish for muskies in PA and are not a member of Three Rivers Muskies Inc, you should consider joining. If you don't want to join Muskies Inc for any reason, you can still donate to the muskie program through the Three Rivers Chapter without being a member.

02-19-2020, 10:51 AM

Great info, thanks for sharing. I'm a past member of both ch. 16 and 64. Thats good to know that I can donate through Ch. 16 without being a member. Thanks.
