View Full Version : Casino Vs Spearing

04-18-2020, 12:01 PM
Just read where plans to build another casino in Wis only need the governors approval, and signature. What a great time to cut a deal with the tribes. Tell them you will sign off on their casino if they will in turn sign off to end their spearing. Why not finally negotiate a fair deal. What is more important to you, your casino's or your walleyes? I'm guessing our governor doesn't have the stones to negotiate a deal like that, so I'm sure our walleyes in the Northern half of the state will continue to turn into pin cushions every spring.

04-28-2020, 05:19 PM
I agree with you....thanks for having enough conviction to say something about it. Have you seen any updates? Seems its getting a "under the rug pass through". Not much information out there.
Its amazing how most everyone I talk to agrees in private or small groups yet so few speak up. I guess the PC intimidation is working just as they hoped.
Good thing that wasn't the prevailing attitude in 1775 and 1776....