View Full Version : Water is turning soft. Almost time to fish!

Red Childress
03-01-2021, 09:07 AM
These last few days of warming weather coupled with some warmer rain should have the ice opening up all around NW PA. My Covid vaccine went smoothly on Saturday with just a little muscle soreness. Now, I am just finishing up on replacing a couple of worn leaders and spooling up some new line on a few reels. Hubs are greased up and every nut and bolt has been checked and tightened.....it is amazing how nuts can work loose via vibrations from normal everyday use.

Shoulder rehab has gone very smoothly as well. The lack of severe pain and the disappearance of the crunching sounds in my shoulder joint has been nice. The last batches of Rig Bosses are in the mail and should be in my boat sometime this week!

Stay safe and good luck!