View Full Version : 9/6

Red Childress
09-07-2021, 05:08 AM
I took my wife on the river yesterday afternoon to hopefully catch a few fish and enjoy the pleasant weather. We had a good time while netting several bass and 3 nice walleye ranging between 4 and 8 pounds. The 2 largest walleye came at the same time…..she had the 7 pounder and I was stuck with the 4 pounder. About an hour later, I got to shut her up when I netted the 8 pounder and took the walleye title from her.:)

Water was still a tiny bit colored and in the 69-70 degree range. A few small leaves were floating and the very beginning of the weed/grass die-off has begun.

NY students begin school today so here we go again!

Good luck and stay tuned!