View Full Version : always a good time.

03-03-2009, 05:38 PM
We came up last Thursday and had six guys 12 tip-ups.Morning was interesting, got six northerns one 28" eye. The guys first eye thru the ice, he was very excited.Then got skunked in the afternoon and evening. the weather was very interesting getting off the ice, good thing my brother was there. Friday morning consisted of breakfast at Delona and alot of himming and haawing weather to hit the ice. Well we went to yellowgate and could not see thirty yards out on the ice. So to the Kipling bar we went, after a few beers it looked well enough to try. Got out there at 4:30 with a guy from the bar, first thing he did was get stuck in a 4 foot drift. Got him out then my bro realized he lost my buddies brand new $300 GPS, went back to check where we stopped the truck and sure enough right under tire print. Just a cracked screen so it looks like a big river running where ever we go. Set all twelve tip ups again stayed till 7:30 and got skunked. Saturday got on the ice set all 12 tip ups, one northern at 11:00am and 22" eye at 11:30 - then skunked for the rest of the day. All in all always a good time.

P.S. stayed at Bayview - what a very nice place to stay and hope to stay there again!!! just watch the steps by the pool table, they got 2 out of 4 of us.

P.S.S. Chris wondering if you got the jerky i dropped off thursday morning - did you like it.

The Bait Shop Guy
03-03-2009, 09:17 PM
Hi Treb. Yeah I got it. Diane and I have been enjoying a piece or two everyday. Good stuff, thanks!

If it makes you feel any better, it sounds like the bite has been tough all over the state. I talked to a guy from lower Michigan today that's been fishing Higgin's Lake all winter who had been experiencing the same thing.

Been a rough winter for me, too. I tried to fish Sunday evening off the Terrace, but had one of "THOSE" days! First I spent 20 minutes in the cold wind trying to get the darn lock on the door to open. I remembered I had a tube of lock de-icer in the truck. Went to use it and nothing came out, even though it was nearly full. After warming it in my hands (which was hard to do because of the fore mentioned COLD wind,) I was finally able to get it to squirt a little in the lock and open it up. I spudded the holes open, but while I was bent over scooping the ice out of the hole, one of my two-way radios decided to part ways with me. You know it - right down the hole! Nothing but net! Then the heater was giving me fits, but finally started up. I ran back to the shop to pick up Diane so she could "enjoy" some fish shack time. Got her out there with no major problems, but the heater was having a hard time keeping things warm enough in the shack for her liking. "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." Even so, she toughed it out and we started to jig and watch the graph for fish. We watched the graph for a LONG time! Finally just after dark, a pair of fish swam up to her jig. That's about ALL they did, and we decided to head in. I wanted to drop a bunch of dead minnows on the bottom to chum up some whitefish the following day. Somewhere between closing the chum bucket and lowering it into the hole, there was a catastrophic failure of the containment system, and it dumped a hole bucket of dead minnows all over the floor of the shack!

That was the END of our fishing trip!

03-04-2009, 03:17 AM
Hey glad you liked the jerkey. Been reading this site for years .My fother fishis or should I say spends alot of time down there looking for walter , but who don't. I have a lot of respect for the guy's that put up thier post's on here. You and a few keep me chechkng dayly. Will be coming up thurseday to try it again.

boy I need to find the spell check on here?

03-05-2009, 07:29 PM
On the ice at 6:30am - fished all day 8 tip ups set by 7:15am - not a flag
fog kicked us off at 5:15pm -
wish we were staying where we stayed last week!!
toliet is a little shakey, our roommate might have swollowed a few sinkers we think. plunger will be on premise tonight