View Full Version : Escanaba River Question

03-08-2009, 09:11 PM
Anybody picking up fish close to river mouth? I've heard the perch (and walleye of course) can pick up in that area towards the latter end of the ice season.

03-08-2009, 11:18 PM
This is what I have seen this year: I have a friend with a house close to the mouth of the river so I have been able to keep a machine (ATV) there and go out to the actual mouth whenever I want, and I have been doing that for ten years or more. We keep a couple permanent shanties there and move them occasionally through the season, but always somewhere near the river mouth. These shanties get used 2 to 4 times a week throughout the season. Historically, we have done well there through February since the season always closed at the end of that month. This year we can fish walleyes through March 15. So far, this has been one of the toughest years for walleye in my experience in that area. It has never been very good for perch at the river mouth, and this year is no different. As a side note, I fish many other parts of the bay from Masonville down to Escanaba and as far south as No-See-Um Creek, using a portable shanty. I have done better for both perch and walleyes in other places when compared to the river mouth. I'd have to say at this point that the river mouth is not going to be very good through the end of the season for walleyes, but of course it is always possible to have a great day when you least expect it. If it were a poker hand though, I wouldn't bet on it. I'll be looking at other spots for the rest of the season.

03-09-2009, 12:56 PM
Fished the mouth on Satruday got set up around 3 pm and up until 5:30 had a chorus of augers one after the other. Even with the million people around we marked fish and had a few throwbacks with one 16" closer to dark the withefish moved in and actually had one hit a atomic perch shiver which was being jigged 3 ft off bottum while my reel was a tangled mess. The fish chased it up 5ft then i'd drop it back and it kept chasing it over and over until it hit. This was a very aggressive whitefish. The whole time I was watching it on the vex I thought it was a smaller walleye. I could not believe it when i pulled it out of the hole and seen what it was! I have never seen a whitefish that hungry. Any way my point is the mouth is somewhat active with quit a few fish hangin around, just gotta get past the noise and millions of people. I expect this coming weekend to be extremely crowded out there so my suggestion to anyone planning to get out there to do it early on so everyone can be done drilling holes before prime time!
PS gold (copper) spoons with half or whole minnow cant go wrong, give um some flash!

03-11-2009, 12:14 PM
My group and I (four of us) fished the mouth Tuesday morning (10th) and "saw" very few fish and didn't catch any. Friends of ours (3 of them) fished it the night before and caught one hog, but at least "saw" 9-12 fish (walleyes) each. My guess is, just like anywhere else, they aren't always there.


03-11-2009, 05:12 PM
Monday night was HOT at the mouth, The day before the storm the saying goes. I didn't get set up until 6 oclock (work til 5) but no fear. Got hit as soon as i dropped my line and he (she) came unhooked because of a weak hook set. I grabbed a stiffer rod and dropped it back down. 20 after 6 coaxed a 25" 6 pounder to bite and landed her, after that a 22 inch, missed another one, landed a 20 inch, and then missed a hog. Once the sun hit the tree line it was over. Marked a few more but couldn't get any interest. Someone had to drill a few more holes RIGHT AT DARK! I mean you kiddin me or what? Everyone should do every other ice fisherman a favor and trade in there 1960 jiffy 3hp monster for a strikemaster. There lighter, quiter, burn cleaner, and don't annoy the living piss out of every person fishing within 3 miles!
Anyway I just had to vent a bit the augers obviously didn't bother my fishing I would have limited but I use 4 lb test mono and have to go easy on those big ones... Fishing is definetly gonna suck this week because of the cold front but I expect the closing weekend to produce some hogs. You don't need to be right at the mouth, they are staging on the flat. So no need to move in 10 feet from everyone else. See ya out there!

03-11-2009, 09:09 PM
Where's the closest public access site you can get on close to the river without being in danger of thin ice? And thanks for the posts guys. Appreciate it.

03-11-2009, 09:14 PM
Most people leave from the terrace launch and drive south to the river mouth. Right now its pretty safe. Lots of ice just don't go to close to the mouth cause I'm sure the rain this week probably cause some flow.
I know some people access from the south of the mouth by this shipping channel but can't help you there, with the cutter in now i'm not sure where is safe.