View Full Version : March 13th 2009

Kevin Lee
03-13-2009, 09:36 PM
My brother Kenneth and I didn't get on the ice until almost 7:00 pm. The fish were there as soon as we got set up. Infact, he hollored on the walkie-talkie that he had his first keeper already and I didn't even have my lines in the water yet! He really ticks me off sometimes! We were both in about 41-42 feet of water. I don't know how many he released. I ended up with 8 throwbacks, 2 eaters, and lost two more keepers. He caught one more eater and had 3 more keepers come un-hooked. So he should have had his limit. He always teases me when I have fish come un-hooked. Now the shoe is on the other foot!!! The fish were really aggressive tonight. Not much hesitation at all. I'm sure that's why I didn't get good hook-sets in my last two fish. The darn things left vapor trails on the graph and kind of caught me by surprise. Oh well, we had almost non-stop action for a good hour and ended up with 4 fish for the pan. Nothing wrong with that. I think we caught fish on every color Rap and Ice-Darter we tried tonight. Two days to go...

03-13-2009, 09:50 PM
Where you fishing the upper or lower bay Kevin? If you really feel giving, maybe you might even purge your location. Appreciate the information.