View Full Version : Hey... SSMACNCHEESE???

04-24-2009, 07:45 AM
Was wondering how you like the new Ray finder?? I
have mine all rigged up and ready but havnt field test
the unit..

I knew right away after seeing the width of the
transduecer cable that this was going to be a step
in the right direction, and after playing around with
it in the demo mode Im excited as all get out to
try the Ray...

Hey.. I was a little confused with the calibration
of the speed sensor any words of advice?? seems
like it works fine when I spin the wheel on the tduecer..

Hope you like the Ray as much as I think Im going
to like mine and thanks Fin for posting up the link..

04-24-2009, 08:14 AM
So far so good. I've only had it out once so far and it is has excellent feature. Everything worked right out of the bocks as far a speedometer go. The only thing was the temp gauge was telling me it was 64 and I know that wasn't true.... But maybe it can be calibrated.
I'm excited to use it some more but I think you will be happy with it. I know I am. So easy to use you just GO FISHING! no need to mess around and I like that.

04-24-2009, 08:29 AM
Glad you like your's and I agree this Ray finder
seems very easy to use.

Let me know about that temp calibration., I
will look into it as well..
