View Full Version : 2009 PA Walleye Forecast by Jeff Knapp

Red Childress
05-06-2009, 02:23 PM

How about the oxytetracycline being used to determine whether a fish is wild or stocked?? Pretty neat stuff!!

Chris Streich
05-07-2009, 08:14 AM
Great reading material, very informative!
Red, what did you have to do for the 'free advertisement'? haha
I heard a few years back that the walleye stocked in Kinzua had a die in their skulls as well to distinguish between wild and stocked walleyes. It made no mention of that in our area though.

05-08-2009, 05:28 PM
that was a good read.from personally i caught a lot of walleye that fell short of the 15in mark last year but not buy a lot so they should be 15 or so this season,but still to skinny for a good meal.