View Full Version : Lk Erie report

05-27-2009, 03:03 PM
Well ive been checking the reports for lbdn to get primed up for this sat when i come up hoping the fish will be turning on by then.But unfortunately seems to be really slow Ken ene had a slow 1 the other day and if he had a tuff time i know the fish arent to motivated. But pls keep the reports coming good to look at n read until i make my way up. Figured Id throw my lk erie report to you guys since i was out for the 1st time the other day outta bolles harbor in monroe. 3 guys fishing in 21fow 3 limits but about a dozen throwbacks trolling harness @ 1.2mph purple by far favorite color. Most of the keepers in the 20-23" range very nice fish all males. Lots of sheephead and silver bass lol went through about 8 dozen worms. Water temp was at roughly 66 degrees tons of boats everyone doing well it lookd like. Thought i had a monster 10 plus pd eye on until after about 7 mins of fighting it came up n went back down and thought forsure it was a eye but turned out to be about a 15lb cat lol wow what a fight couldnt barely budge him. Figured you woulda like that kevin... cya you guys sat....

05-27-2009, 03:35 PM
Bill, have you ever tried using gulp crawlers on your harness'? I was out of Monroe one time last year and after losing my crawler a few dozen times to junk fish I switched to the natural color gulp and caught just as many fish as my fishing partner without having to rebait every 2 minutes. Just wondering. I dont get down there enough times to say "it works everytime"

I do hate getting that gulp smell on my hands though.

05-27-2009, 07:27 PM
Actually big i never have never really even thought of it either...But your right youll catch 5 junk fish at least to every eye so that sounds like a great idea..I did although try a 5" brown rubber worm somewhat immation of a crawler but not even a nibble. I did keep about 7 perch too all around 9"..The bite has been really hot down here but there is just something about being up north makes it 100 times better id rather spend 5hrs on the water on lbdn and get 1 fish rather than spend 5hrs on erie and get my limit.

05-29-2009, 06:38 AM
100 times better might be an UNDER ESTIMATE. I think it might be closer to 1000 times better. We always have good success on Lk. Erie but I live 2 hours north of there and that drive through the city is enough to ruin a successful day on the water. For me Saginaw Bay is about 1.5 hours away and I much prefer the drive and the Linwood to Standish area rather than going south. Big Bay DeNoc will always be considered my home fishing grounds even though my cabin is 6 hours from home.