View Full Version : Windy, rainy walleye whackfest!

The Bait Shop Guy
05-31-2009, 08:08 PM
The way things are going this spring, you can't catch walleye and be a fair weather fisherman at the same time! Took my dad out to catch some perch off of Gladstone, after the wind switched to the south this afternoon. Found the fish stacked along the breakline in 25 to 30 FOW. He was out there earlier in the morning, while the wind was out of the north, and marked hardly any fish in the same area. Anyway, we started catching fish right away with worms on perch rigs. We ended up keeping 6 or 7 nice perch, and caught a bunch of small walleyes doing that. Eventually, the wind got too strong to fish perch rigs effectively (it's hard to watch for that "tap tap" bite when you're in 3 and 4 footers!) We decided to switch over and try trolling shallow cranks along the edge of the break. We figured one pass would be enough for the fish to tell us whether to stick it out in the wind and the now steady rain. Well, they told us to stay out for a while longer! Trolled Bombers along the break in 7 to 10 FOW and ended up with our limit in 4 passes.

Amazing what you'll put up with when the fish are biting!

Capt. Chris
05-31-2009, 08:18 PM
NICE JOB!! That's a livewell photo to remember!

05-31-2009, 09:08 PM
REAL NICE catch chris. How far back were you running your bombers ??

05-31-2009, 09:22 PM
That is the sexiest live well i have ever seen! I've seen that picture before,just before my alarm clock went off. Very nice job!! Never done that good myself.

The Bait Shop Guy
05-31-2009, 09:44 PM
Thanks guys.

With it being so rough in that shallow water, we just flatlined two baits behind the boat - no boards. We just threw them back "a good cast" - probably 60 to 90 feet. We caught fish on clown and firetiger, but that metallic watermelon one was the hot bait again tonight. Gotta find out where I got that thing and pick up some more! Judging by how the rod tips were dancing, 2 to 2.3 mph seemed to be the ideal speed range for Bombers.

05-31-2009, 09:53 PM
great catch Chris!! Looks like fish fry for you.. wow.

Just proof that the fish are out there .. just gotta find em and feed em.

The Bait Shop Guy
06-01-2009, 07:50 PM
That's the plan! My brother is finishing his tour in Korea this month (good time to get out of there,) and being stationed in Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin. We're going to have a combination Father's Day/welcome home/good bye party. We plan on having perch and walleyes as the "guests of honor."