View Full Version : Low Water Levels

06-06-2009, 09:46 AM
Where would the higher percentage spots be for locating muskies when the river is at it's current level ? I know of course the usual spots around my area but being the water levels have hit there lower levels after all that rain we had will the muskies move deeper or will they still hang on the flats where the baitfish are ? Will they position on the edges of the transition from the flat to the dropoffs possibly ?

Red Childress
06-08-2009, 08:24 AM
I know this sounds very generic but they could be in all those areas. In higher water, some will move up in flooded timber/boulders, some will hit the flats on the inside of the river bends and some will stay put in the main channel behind current-deflecting structure. The flooded timber/boulder areas and the flats are the easiest areas to fish but if you can get down close to bottom in the main channel effectively, you might score there as well.

Red Childress
06-08-2009, 11:58 AM
I guess I should add more info since I think you were talking about fishing as the water flow was lessening..........

When the river is on the drop, most fish instinctively head to the main channel and will pull out of shallower water flats and onto the first main break. I have read studies stating the main reason is simply a survival instinct while preventing being left "high and dry" as the water drops.

Fishing is typically very tough under these conditions and in my experience of fishing an outflow waterway, muskies and pike are the most resistant to this type of change.

06-11-2009, 03:22 PM
Thx Red !!