View Full Version : Escanba River (from shore) part 2

06-06-2009, 09:37 PM
The walleye seem to have gone somewhere else.CaughtLOTS of rock bass tonight right from the dock/pier thing they got goin on.About 5 under size smallies and a crappie tonight. Probly would have started catching more when the rain came but i was getting wet and had nothing in the bucket so i went home. I always hate trying to land a fish from that pier! Oh,yeah crappies,where can i fish for more of these from shore? Any good spots you guys want to give up,that i can caught fish from shore? (Escanaba) If so,where?When?Color? Thank You to who ever got the out house cleaned up.Its to bad 1 day i seen we got a big roll of T.P. in there the next day someone f%*k^%g jerk kicked it off the wall. It's one like in wall-mart bath rooms. But today i seen it was back in there the toilet sit was clean theres a HOOK on the door, just like i asked on this page. And let me tell you before the seat looked like LOTS of people TRIED to hover and do their thing and MISSED badly. Nice Job!! on the clean up.If any of you "Big Boat Fisherman" want someone to ride shotgun in your boat this summer around Esky,give me a call 786-6207. Ask for matt.

06-08-2009, 07:04 PM
Last night i put the waders back on and alot of action with the smallies,but ofcourse they were around the 13 1/2 range. Caught a few catfish once i switched to crawlers,so if you like that kinda thing they are in there. I think tommorrow night im goin to try out a different spot i heard of ill let you know how it turns out. Good Luck out there!!

06-09-2009, 12:04 AM
Let me know how you do my wife and I have been out to the little wooden pier thing they built throwing floating jigs, cranks, regular jigs, hook and worm, and strong current nights floating jig crawler harnesses with no fishies to speak of.


06-09-2009, 10:48 AM
Punctuation , Punctuation, Punctuation!!!!!!

If anyone is doing my wife I certainly wouldn't want them to call me and let me know how it went while I was out fishing. Although maybe I'd be able to go more often-who knows. Slammer!!!!!

Kevin Lee
06-09-2009, 11:27 AM
Punctuation , Punctuation, Punctuation!!!!!!

If anyone is doing my wife I certainly wouldn't want them to call me and let me know how it went while I was out fishing. Although maybe I'd be able to go more often-who knows. Slammer!!!!!

You crack me up! I really enjoyed your ice-fishing posts too...

06-09-2009, 02:51 PM
Let me know how you do my wife and I have been out to the little wooden pier thing they built throwing floating jigs, cranks, regular jigs, hook and worm, and strong current nights floating jig crawler harnesses with no fishies to speak of.


damn slammer ya beat me to it. I was gonna reply that I do it front, back, side to side. Front, front, back, back, side to side. haha just kidding sho

06-09-2009, 05:47 PM
Hey guys.. its his first post and you jump all over him... LOL.. it was hilarious tho!!!!!:))

Hahaha hehehe

oops sorry

06-10-2009, 11:21 AM
Stopped by the dam on my way home lastnight and not a bite from 8-10pm. I have a couple of crawlers left so i think im goin to head out pretty soon while the kids are sleeping and wife is cleaning house.

06-10-2009, 09:11 PM
Well, Mid day today wasnt to bad the action was pretty slow but i did manage 1 keeper. A smallies about 18". Found a nice orange rapala too. One of the smaller smallmouths I caught had 1 eye like a walleye it was kinda weird. The action i was getting was in waders down river a little from the dam. Thru out a good combo off the peir but not a bite.Pink,green,yellow,black.. Had to get down in the water to find any action. Wouldnt be so bad but my waders have some slow leaks in them. Yes, thats why it looks like i wet myself in a few of my pics i posted. So... if a buddy of mine wanted to launch out of escanba where should we go to find some good fishing.This weekend Depth,bait,color..etc..?? ? I'm more of a fan toward jiging rather than trolling, in regards to the info. Go ahead and P.M. me if you dont want everyone to know. I Won't Tell!!!!! Good luck out there and dont forget to post your caught!!

06-11-2009, 09:54 PM
The action tonight was pretty good tonight. I caught a few small pikes and about 5 undersized small mouth. 1 keeper i got was a 17"walleye caught a couple more small ones till i lost another lure and called it a night. The fish seem to like a dark green with orange in it. Good luck out there!!

06-14-2009, 12:08 AM
wasnt to bad tonight there is surely a time frame where the fish are biting.Took me this long to narrow it down not goin to give it away. 1 keeper tonight 18". I have a nice bag of fish to try pickling on. Hope everyone else is at least taking home 1 keeper evernight like i have been.

06-15-2009, 04:21 PM
Last night was real fun about every other cast you had a fish on. To bad they were all a little short. The dam is/was shut down pretty good so there isnt much current.Have to thank someone for all the lures i have been finding,i get about 3 a night if the water is calm.Last night on my out i found a broke rod.The handle was broke, its made out of wood. But the top half fits right on one of my broke poles. So now i got a half wood half whatever they make them out of now a days pole.(half brown an half black). Wonder what kinda action class you put that in ...lol..

06-15-2009, 09:46 PM
Such a Nice day we had today, i had to go fishing.Again. And sure glad i did 17" bass pretty much just jumpin into my bucket. After the first two i caught for the canning jars, all the rest were released. Just stayed for the fun of it. I think after tonight my reel needs some oil feels not as smooth as when i started fishing. They sure had alot of fight in them!! I think I caught a total of 7 keeper smallies, but only needed 2 i guess. I'm starting a batch of pickled fish now and i think ill try and make these 2 a spicey batch. Good Luck Fishing People!! Remember It's Not The Size Of The Bait It's How You Work It.

06-17-2009, 10:49 PM
Well, tonight Da bite bit the big one for me.Lost 4 lures and didnt catch anything keeper size. Seen a HUGE bass jump within 4 feet of me but couldn't get a bite. This thing had to be 20" easy.When it jumped it was like a whale on t.v. half came out of the water with a little flop back in. Could have put a fist in his mouth for sure. Theres a bass i would never keep, if caught. 20" or more will be a throw back.

06-22-2009, 07:26 PM
Fished a little today around mid day. Was every slow, 3 undersized smallies and a 20" sheephead. To bad they arent good for something, seem to be lots more of them around.

06-23-2009, 08:19 AM
went out around 6 this morning, the active was the best ever almost every cast was a fish. Lots of 12" smallies and about 5 pikes. Ended up with 3 keepers by 8:30 so i went home but the fish were still biting. Sorry no pictures girlfriend,"miss placed" the camera.

06-23-2009, 09:02 AM

aside from the platform near the dam, is there anything along the bank in that general area that would be plausible fishing for a 7-year-old (re: being able to catch bass without wading there)? i'd love to give my son some practice tossing artificial baits for bass...even if he were hooking into small ones he'd love it.

06-23-2009, 01:00 PM
I havent fished the Gladstone side so i dont have any info there,but on the Esky side i would try near the out house parking lot. When park, there is a little path you can climb down the rocks. At the bottom the water there is about as deep as you can go with out walk out there.only 3 feet or so. If has a good cast on him, try up next to the bridge. Cast in front of the bridge about 2 feet from the second pillar, thats in the water. Other than that i would try the top side of the dam. I havent fished up there yet this year but the water is deeper and probly as less snags. If you go up there let me know how you do.

06-29-2009, 09:52 PM
Well the bite tonight was real good but i couldn't fine the big ones. Caught 2 pikes that were an inch shy, after 20 smallies i stopped counting. Ended up bringing home 1 smallie and 1 walleye. The dam is still shut down and the water level is getting lower. Thaught with the little rain we had they would open it up,the water is spilling over the top and everything.

06-30-2009, 10:11 PM
Doesn't anyone else fish the esky seems like im the only one posting the esky? Now i hear that people are catching the eye's by the black bridge in wells, but i never have.Is there a special bait or time of day to be there for them? I'm not scared to give up my hot spots,why are you guys? In fact ill like to see 5 people on one side of me and 5 on the other, I like to be Da one in Da middle catching all the fish.Catching fish is nice but,PEOPLE thanking you for the great time is better!!!

07-01-2009, 03:27 PM
I haven't gotten down to the river to fish yet. We instead went to Groveland Mine Ponds a few days ago and did really well. If I had a spot on the river, I'd certainly help you out as you have been kind enough and generous enough to share your experiences with us.

I did notice in driving over the bridge on 2 about noon today there was a lot of water coming through the gates. Maybe that'll pick things up. Good luck--and keep us posted. I know I appreciate it. I'm also happy to share whatever modest info I have, but unfortunately that doesn't include anything on the Esky river at the moment. I do know those fishing platforms by the Wells boat launch get used a lot. My dad-in-law caught a nice walleye off of one them a couple of weeks ago. Can't really wade that stretch though, as you know.

07-01-2009, 10:05 PM
Trolled the esky from mouth to island tonight,lost one crankbait.Proly wont try it again till fall.Got on the water and realized I had no boards w/me so I flatlinned some cranks.Seemed like a good idea at the time!So what the heii.Temp around 62ish.Did mark some fish.Need to get my MOJO workin.

07-02-2009, 02:00 PM
Doesn't anyone else fish the esky seems like im the only one posting the esky? Now i hear that people are catching the eye's by the black bridge in wells, but i never have.Is there a special bait or time of day to be there for them? I'm not scared to give up my hot spots,why are you guys? In fact ill like to see 5 people on one side of me and 5 on the other, I like to be Da one in Da middle catching all the fish.Catching fish is nice but,PEOPLE thanking you for the great time is better!!!

Fonzy there are alot of people that like to fish the river. However, not many of those people(myself included) feel its necessary to "give up" hot spots. If that is what you like to do then that is fine but please do not make it seem like the rest of the people that fish this area also have to divulge information daily as you do. I personally would not care if people went to my "hot spots", just as long as I'm not there when they are. The reason that I go fishing is to get away from people and dealing with "Da" comments and "Da" remarks of people every day. I don't care if I don't catch any fish even, just as long as I get away from it all. That is what its really about to the people I know. It's not about expecting some gratitude for giving someone a great time. I don't need or want gratitude from anyone. Good luck fishing!

07-02-2009, 10:01 PM
I agree Italian Stallion. It is about catching fish but the most important thing is fishing.... not always catching! And besides Fonz your (hotspot) that you've told the world about is nothing new. I've been fishing it since I was a child and so have many people before me, so you can get over yourself for feeling like the hero... Plus its probably not as hot anymore anyway

07-02-2009, 10:51 PM
LOL, nice.... I give up my spots to help people that go there catch more fish!! If you like to go fishing and not catch anything fine by me dont read what i post. I mean whats the point in a fishing report website, if you dont tell whats goin on out there. And to coment on your "get away for it all" Yeah i post the area next to the highway,real relaxing.lol I dont feel like no hero either!! Anyways, With the dam all closed up for some reason i hit up the lower turbines tonight and caught a few 13" bass.Working my way down to and past the bridge.The "world famous spot" straight down from the path near the out house,had several nice bass in it.(still).. The water is flowing over the dam from wall to wall but the turbines and the shoot is closed. (No Current) To you pros ofcourse you know thats a must for some real good action. For yanker there, the spots change with the conditions,thats why i post them when i find them.Ofcousre you know that since you beening fishing there since you were a child. (What 5 years ago?) HAhA Nothing new i like that..

07-03-2009, 10:37 AM
Well I fished next to the campground this morning, exactly 57 steps south of us2, 3ft to the left of the riff raff on the north side, east side of the bridge 32.5 degrees NW of the second pillar and caught lots of rock bass and 3 smallies, 2 13ish and one 15 All on a white twister tail (3") with 1/4 ounce white jigheads. fished from 7:30 until 9 it was fun though! Fonz let us know how Da pickled Pikes and da bass turned out eh

07-08-2009, 11:35 PM
Well its past midnight here now but i wondering what the dam condistions are like now. Did they open any of the turbines up yet? The shoot next to the lower turbines is what i want to open up. With the water temps. being lower is up steam next to the dam a place where the eyes would be at? Da bags of fish in the freezer are running low could need some more. I havent been out there lately, do to the lack of current. But maybe the fish might be there since water temps. been so low.LOL you dont need to be so precise crankyanker just wanted a general location of where to fish for the eyes. Don't repond in a nasty way plz,doesnt take much for da bait shop guy to close a post.