View Full Version : New modification to baits????

Illinois Dennis
06-11-2009, 06:20 AM
Must be nice to be famous, you get all the best baits tossed at you for free and the latest tech gear to test out without having to spend a dime. Rumor is, Dick Pearson has been tampering with baits again. Seems he might even be close to some kind of deal……

Laser Eyes for muskie baits. Kind of makes sense for the hard baits but I hear that there is a model that works with the spring fur too. Some sort of capsule that holds the electronics and easily attaches to your bucktails.

So, if you are ever close enough to Dick’s tackle box and have a chance to swap out identical lures, you might want to take the chance of getting your forearm broken clean into two pieces and make the switch.

I guess I’ll wait to I see him on an infomercial at 3 AM to get mine.

06-11-2009, 08:30 AM
Well once again you've busted me.Your spy resources are impressive to say the least.
Since the cat is out of the bag,I'll briefly explain.Yes,I think a deal is close and that we have something revolutionary thats about ready to go into full production.
As with many breakthroughs,it started with a weird thought-in my case a brain fart.
I've always been fascinated with the 3-Spined Stickleback.While watching one in my wifes fish tank my attention was drawn to their unique gill filaments.I noticed these filaments seemed extremely sensitive during normal circulatory water flow but that as flow increased,sensitivity increased and with that came increased agitation or excitement-kind of like heavy breathing during sex.
Then it hit me,what if we could create this excitement by Laser stimulation?Maybe the Sticklebacks(and muskies)would 'go off'(you know what I mean:D)on a bait hosting the stimulation source.Well,lets just say that extensive testing at a local Tilapia fish farm has been very encouraging and we are now ready to go muskie world wide-in the process likely to make Cowgirls a thing of the past.Sex and food in one bait while drinking to stimulate yourself will be an unbeatable attraction.
OK,so there it is.(prematurely:()

06-11-2009, 03:49 PM
Wow! Not too often do you speak in terms far too technical for me to have a clue what you’re talking about. I guess the conclusion of drinking, **** and food should be enough know that it’s all good, but I can’t understand what you’re doing with lasers and a fish tank.


Illinois Dennis
06-11-2009, 09:38 PM
Dick, this goes a lot deeper than I ever could have imagined. Was thinking it was a gimmick.... but guess it's based on scientific/factual study. Don't get me wrong when I say "gimmick", I still think it's a good idea and should work (no matter what your tests have shown). Bet Darrin will be workin on some Jakes for the fall as well. With the lower light conditions in general, should be a natural for fall trolling.

Laser-illuminated lures Document Type and Number:United States Patent 5758450
Abstract:Laser-illuminated lures which are characterized by lures of selected design having a hard or soft body and fitted with a laser beam-emitting mechanism or device which includes a laser emitter, a laser circuit board and a battery for energizing the circuit board and laser emitter. In a preferred embodiment the laser device is implanted in the lures and the laser emitter positioned to highlight one or more features of the lures such as a spinner, skirt, hook or the like to attract fish to the lure. In another preferred embodiment more than one laser device may be implanted or otherwise positioned inside a lure to highlight various features of the lure, as desired. The laser circuit may be energized by tightening a removable segment of the lure against a spring seated on the battery which supplies electricity to the laser circuit or by a switch mounted in the lure body.

Is it something like this??????


06-12-2009, 08:02 AM
Yes,exactly.The guy in the front picture(we call him 'cross fire')was our lead scientist.
Actually he was the one who forced us to focus on the mesencephalon portion of fish brains where their 2 optic lobes are located.
Of course,he was also responsible for pointing out that much fish waste is released in the form of ammonia and I sure hope people realize there is a distinct smell to this thread.:)

Frank Walsh
06-12-2009, 10:08 AM
I think you guys better get your carbon monoxide alarms checked.

06-12-2009, 10:16 AM
OK,well it was fun while it lasted.(except Bets didn't think '3 Spined Sticklebacks'were suitable for her tank)
I still think food,sex and drinking to stimulate yourself is a decent formula though.

06-12-2009, 11:23 AM
Dick, I think you got a good formula but the order is reversed!


06-12-2009, 12:08 PM
That would be logical,therefore not me.:o

Illinois Dennis
06-12-2009, 06:36 PM
BOOZE, **** SMOKE & FOOD..... I'M IN.

Changed the battery in the carbon monixide alarm today; guess the beam expanders are a dead issue.