View Full Version : Spring Results??

06-11-2009, 07:48 PM
Ok, we have the Summer fishing season right around the corner, just curious how everyone's Spring Musky fishing has been. Not asking for details, just a comparison to years past.

Personally, I have spent more time on the water in the last couple of months than I have in quite some time. Unfortunately, I don't have much to show for it at this point. My brother and I are one Musky less than where we were last year at this time. However, the one we boated was our biggest so far.

So, how is '09 treating the rest of you guys to this point??

allegheny river kid
06-11-2009, 09:01 PM
Compared to last year fishing has been better by far for me. The past week has been the most action i've had all year.

Joe M
06-11-2009, 10:38 PM
This year has been Slow for me so far.

06-12-2009, 05:21 AM
I'm actually at the same number of fish per date of last year I think.
They just came from different places. The Pymie bite was slow this year for me and other from what I hear so I've been fishing waters around here and have done well with larger size fish this year.
Beats the Pymie drive for me @ 2 hours 40 minutes!!!
Being off with my knee surgury gave me more hours on the water but only yeilded 2 muskies for lots of extra days on the water. I did catch lots of other nice fish that weren't muskies.

Been a good year so far I'd say! Lots of casting fish which is nice.

allegheny river kid
06-12-2009, 06:55 AM
I should of also included at this time last year i probably only had 30 hrs of fishing in and still hadn't a fish landed...This year i have just under a 100hrs on the water, so my guess is luck and time have been in my favor this year.

Red Childress
06-12-2009, 07:13 AM
This has definitely been my best Spring since I started guiding. We have hooked or landed muskies on 13 out of 18 musky trips so far. 2 other days with follows and 3 complete shutouts.

Been paying much closer attention to water temps and thouroughly working 5-6 spots over and over per outing instead of running the extra miles thinking there were active fish somewhere else. I really think the fish have simply been a little more cooperative and my clients have done an excellent job of presenting their baits correctly.

Hopefully, this will continue. :)

Red Childress
06-12-2009, 11:42 AM
BTW.....My largest fish (while casting) came when I went back to a spot for the 6th time that day and she ate 3 minutes after moon rise.

Coincidence or persistence??

06-12-2009, 11:51 AM
Cool, sounds like most people are seeing some pretty steady action. I plan to explore a couple of different waters this weekend. One of which I have never been on and the other I have only been on a couple of times and keep hearing of "BIG MUSKY" sightings by non-Musky fishermen.

The tough part is trying to figure out which waters to try. I am trying to keep my trips to waters that are an hour or less for me to get to. We'll see how that works out.

Good luck to everyone this weekend!!!

06-13-2009, 03:49 AM
This has been a slightly better spring do far.

I have been doing the same as Red.....In the past I've been covering alot of water, but not very thorough. This year, I've been concentrating on a few spots that I know have fish and keep going back and forth between them. And picking the areas apart. It seems to be paying off.
