View Full Version : back to the res. for muskies

fish N ski
06-18-2009, 07:42 PM
heading back to the kinzua dam waters for a 50 plus pounder next week. Anyone that can steer me towards the baitfish from this upcoming weekend will be great. By myself this time. No one wants to give it the effort. So I will fly solo for 3 days. Staying at the dewdrop campground. Back to the same old things. 14" jakes , legend plows, and i might even throw in a wiley, believer or rasmusand from time to time. If you know " Fish N ski " it's not about numbers it is the size. Want the PA state record. 12 hours a day trolling and 200 plus miles. All in a days work. I have the will. Or will it lead me to a breakdown.

Red Childress
06-18-2009, 07:52 PM
My partner is putting in a 15 hour shift up there as we speak.....if I hear something, I will let you know.

BTW......After you return from your "Kinzua hunt", I would like to begin training you for an upcoming UFC bout with Brock Lesnar. Your attitude sets you apart from most....Gotta love it. :)

Good Luck!

fish N ski
06-18-2009, 08:05 PM
brock is a big boy. I watch ufc sometimes. I am only 165 soaking wet. But I will fight him if There is a chance at a good spot there that he knows about. Anything goes when comes to a 50 pounder. Will let you know what happens up there. Wife says, " I don't know if you should go there yourself" No one else to go with. I want the fatty. plain and simple. I know she is in there. Like forrest gump would say - " that's all I have to say about that". Wish me good will and God Bless....

fish N ski
06-18-2009, 09:43 PM
to bad I cannot purchase 2 PA fishing licences so I can get 4 rods out. And the min. would be 60" on a muskie to keep. But hey, I can dream can't I ?
I will be in the running for the next state PA record if I stay on this board. So much information that everyone shares. I love it. Besides - Fish N ski is after big muskies.... I have A good feeling. And, it is not gas.....

06-19-2009, 05:32 AM
There has been times I've been out alone and wished I could run more rods.

BLOW UP DOLLS..........now that were it's at!

Tie them down to a boat seat so they don't blow out, make sure you pin the fishing lic. on their hat!

2 more rods per DOLL.........................

Best of luck there, 50"+can happen, that is the only muskie I ever got there!

06-19-2009, 06:21 AM
I just read in PA Outdoor Newspaper that a guy caught and released a few legal muskies up there recently. Three 40+"ers out of Kinzua in a short amount of time...sounds like he must be on some type of decent pattern.

On another note...Fish N Ski What kind of boat do you have? Do you have a Sea Nymph Fish N Ski. Were you at Pyma last weekend?

06-19-2009, 07:11 AM
Good luck fish N ski. I really hope you do catch the Big One. That would be great!

06-19-2009, 11:24 AM
"Honey, I'm going camping for a few days, alone."
Yea, what are the blow up dolls for again?..............lol

I either be a Kinzua or East Branch on sunday, maybe I'll se you there.
I'll look for the dolls.........you can do the same:):):)

06-19-2009, 12:35 PM
at least if the trolling gets boring you'll have something to do. Don't fish always strike when you're NOT paying attention? Just make sure you have the audible clicker engaged on the reels. Some items commonly found in the musky boat like WD-40, mouth spreader, toothy's lure retriever (wow I'm sick) can add some spice.

Fish-n-Ski, I admire your determination to break the 85-year-old record. Everyone knows she's lurking somewhere in that reservoir. Good luck.

fish N ski
06-19-2009, 02:31 PM
Ya I was at pyma. monday, teus, wed. of this week. Didn't do any good. Might have been my boat you saw. I have a 17 1/2' sea nymph with walk tru windshield. 50 johnson and a nissan 9.9

06-19-2009, 02:48 PM
No, I was at Pyma Sat and Sun. I guess it wasn't you that I saw. I wish I could fish weekdays.

Red Childress
06-20-2009, 09:46 AM
My partner has heard of a few good muskies coming out of Chappel/Kinzua Arm. My partner's clients chose to cast all day Friday and they had a mid-40's follow in Cornplanter.

fish N ski
06-21-2009, 10:33 PM
I usually fish the kinzua arm. a few years back. I was reeling in to change lures and had a follow from a nice fish 46" maybe 47". They always look bigger in the water. So since that was the only place I have seen a musky there I always give it at least a day. I have had that happen a few times in my life now. Reeling in to change lures and get a follow (trolling now , not casting). Needless to say I left the same lure on. Just off work now. And ready for my 5 days off again. Thanks for the info on your guide partner. Will give you the update when I get back. Hopefully something about boating 2 ski's and losing one. Do you know what the water temp. is there now...???

Red Childress
06-22-2009, 07:34 AM
Mid-60's in the bays....two or three degrees cooler in the main channel.

Red Childress
06-22-2009, 10:51 AM
Talked to my partner today at lunch time as he was pulling off of Kinzua...he had 68 degree temps on the main lake. North end near NY border is muddy and slowly moving down the main lake.

fish N ski
06-24-2009, 10:44 PM
Got the boat from storage. flat tire. changed the tire. Ran to "Good wholesale tire" for a spare. none in stock. Called 3 other dealers. ( I can have it tomorrow) unbelievable. 80 + degree weather. 240 mile one way trip to kinzua. POSTPONED till next week. So instead of investing in a hi-fin or a plow, I got another tire. my Jailbird is ready to hit the water next week. Will let you know the outcome after next week. TO THE guy that suggested blow up dolls for more rods. Use a store mannequin from any retail store. upper body is only needed. a shirt, hat, maybe an arm and be ready to pay the fine. $95.00 trolling with 3 rods on 1 PA license. Happy Hunting - Fish N ski (where only over 30 pounds does reality set in)